This is no new thing, not to any educated Wiccan anyway. Newcomers and fluffbunnies ignore or downplay all that history, but they’re not the representatitves of mainstream thought.
How do educated Wiccans view these historical connections?
None of those you mentioned are anti-Christ,
Dawn, if you believe that lets look together sincerely with a mirror.
at any rate not intentionally.
what do you believe are the hidden intentions?
But I presume you view anything outside the four walls of your catechism as anti-Christian,
what is it that defines Christ for you?
so I cannot help you there.
I appreciate the intention, thank you.
This isn’t a central aspect of Wicca, we’ve got better things to do than worry about the existence of Satan.
what is the central purpose of practicing Wicca?
Thing is, a lot of Wiccans have been handed to legal action by Christians under charges of Satanism (like children taken from their Wiccan parents), so we are forced to emphasise it.
That is awefull, it is a natural inclination for parents to love children I hope prejudice of religious practices didn’t overshadow parental love in those cases.
so we are forced to emphasise it.
if these families have been wronged by Christians then you should not emphasize it but use the concept, whether you believe it true or false, it is the Christian mirror.
. Whether you believe in him or not, Satan doesn’t exist.
you say that because you see no evidence he exists, you teach what you don’t know. consider this, your vision would have to encompass all of reality for that to be said and it not betray you.
we are not betrayed because what we see we can claim to believe is evidence of him.
I’ve read part of your homepage, you seem kewl to me.