Best advice of the day.Keep being a good Catholic and an understanding husband.
Time, patience and understanding.
Best advice of the day.Keep being a good Catholic and an understanding husband.
Time, patience and understanding.
Try to figure out what really made her stop. What did your wife do “spiritually” during the lapsed time between stopping the Catholic church and starting the Protestant church? Was it you, the parish, the universal church, your parents’ influence, etc. that made her stop?the first five years wife came to Mass with me and then stopped. Now, ten years later, wife started to bring our kids to classes in non-denominational Protestant church
Well, he did explicitly command her not to do it…Since I don’t recall anyone addressing this, why are the kids free to choose where they go? I’m not saying you should or shouldn’t do this, but children of Catholics don’t get to choose if they go to mass or not, so why are they getting to choose which church they attend? Your wife might want them to attend the protestant church, but they’re your kids as well, so why not compel them to go with you twice a month? They’ll be old enough to make their own choices soon enough without letting them do it now. As well, catechize them whether they like it or not. Libertarianism is for the birds.
What promise is that? I don’t think non-Catholics are made to promise anything about bringing the kids up Catholic anymore. I guess YMMV.Your wife decided not to keep her promise.
I think this is referring to the OP’s statement that, at the time they got married, his wife agreed to raise the children as Catholics.What promise is that? I don’t think non-Catholics are made to promise anything about bringing the kids up Catholic anymore. I guess YMMV.
This has been the case for quite some time, too.They are made aware that the Catholic is making a promise to do their best to raise them Catholic. They are not made to promise anything.
That’s true. In my country especially, non-denominational churches and groups are usually the ones to really seek God. Unfortunately, these are often the same people that pass harsh, uninformed judgements on Catholicism.Not all nondenominatinal churches are “entertainment”…just say’n.