We’ll get through the pandemic. I’m currently reading a really good and well-researched book called “Mosquito”–yes, it’s about mosquitos and history in this world.
I had no idea that Rome was once surrounded by marshes which were inhabited by mosquitos, and that many Romans died of malaria, and that many battles by the greatest warriors in the world were decided not by might and weaponry, but by General Anopheles (a type of mosquito) and malaria.
The book describes the growth of Christianity specifically because Christians cared for the thousands suffering from malaria by starting hospitals, and offered prayers (that often worked!) to protect those who were not infected. There are thousands of “amulets” with Christian prayers that Christians gave to those either suffering from malaria or trying to avoid getting infected.
And Christianity not only tried to help people while they were alive, but also promised a beautiful life in heaven after death–so it was very appealing to people who were used to thinking of death as a terror.
When Christianity was finally able to be free of the persecutions (Constantine and Theodosius), and the Vatican was built in Rome, it was a deathtrap because of malaria. This book claims that many pilgrims were terrified to go to Rome because there was a good chance they would contract malaria, suffer greatly, and die of it. St. Peter’s Basilica was eventually built on higher ground (the one designed by Michaelangelo).
The malaria problem continued in Italy until…get this!..dictator Benito Mussolini drained the swamps surrounding Rome! Yes, not until the 20th Century did malaria cease to be a threat in Europe! Wow!
SO…I think COVID-19 will probably bring about stronger Christianity. And I also think that the various civil rights movements going on in this country will bring about stronger Christianity because we, of all people, should and do accept and love people of all races, nationalities, colors, sexual orientations, income levels, and backgrounds.