Will "gay marriage" really destroy the institution of marriage?

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Had I lectured her on what a terrible thing she is doing, that would have been the end of our friendship and the end of my good influence on her. She would have stormed off more determined in her ways than ever.
I agree with most of what you said. However, how can you be so certain that taking a more firm stance would not be a greater incentive for your friend to stop sinning? It is one thing to say you believe it is wrong (that is good). It is another to explain the roots of why you believe it to be wrong. Would the latter be a lecture? Perhaps in her eyes. But it would also give your friend more food for thought and more reason to change her sinful lifestyle. You would still love her. But she may have an initial angry reaction due to the inner conflict going on in her soul. The question is what will happen in the long term? Would you be willing to risk a friendship temporarily to potentially save a soul eternally? We have to be certain we do not leave the impression that we disapprove of it for ourselves but it is ok for them. Sin is bad for everyone and it is very charitable to help someone out of enslavement to sin. The disciples were not shy at all about explaining why we all need Jesus Christ - it is because of our sin and we can only have Him (in communion) if we work to stop our sin (that which separates us from God).
We have an obligation to help people who are leading lifestyles that could very likely separate them from God for all eternity. Heck, half of EWTN is based around “waking people up.”

The acceptance of bad behavior from any of us is what has gotten this world in the mess that it is in.

Of course we are all sinners. There are, however, degrees of sin. To say “I am a sinner therefore, I cannot point our behavior when I see it” is extremely naive and will lead this world straight to hell. There are clearly degrees of sin and deviance. I do not discount the need for prayer, it is sorely needed in this world.

The Pope is a sinner. Somehow, he has the compunction to instruct us on how live our lives. Parents are sinners, yet they ahve the nerve to stop their children’s bad behavior when they see it.

Why does anyone go to pro-life rallies for that matter? Just stay home and pray for the pro-choice movement. This is the same action as trying to help homosexuals, and other people who live their lives contrary to God’s plan. That applies to any of us.

It is a self-destructive behavior, not unlike addiction, and depression. the concept of “don’t do anything until you are perfect” is silly, naive, and not what God intended for us in our obligations and faithful Christians.
Woe be tide the person who allows someone to ruin their relationshop with God because they don’t want to offend or hurt the person.
Woe be tide the person who allows someone to ruin their relationshop with God because they don’t want to offend or hurt the person.
The institution of marriage is already dead. That contract you get from the government might as well be written on soft paper as it has only one purpose. 😃

What do you get out of it anyway? I don’t know of anyone who gets money from the govenment for being married. In fact if you get one of those you are most likely going to be sued in divorce court for just about everything you own.

This is why when people talk to me about marriage I laugh at them. It is worthless to me. I can get one from Elvis. I also don’t support anything that encurages homosexuals.

Thankfully, we still have holy matrimony.
Bunk. Gays and Lesbians have been working the agenda, the soundbites, the media, the activist organizations, the schools, and the churches for the past 40 years. Them, in combination with the radical femminists, are responsible for the ideologies that unwitting heterosexuals adopted due to the “education” that was given to them. Today, it is the exception, not the rule, whereby one escapes from the prevaling ideologies spread be femminists, homosexuals, and their sympathizers (unresponsible adults) that are crammed down their minds as they march through the school systems.
This is so very true. I can recall my grade 5 teacher lecturing us (in a catholic school) about gays and feminists. In no time at all she had the girls hating the boys. Some of them even tried to pick fights with us.

Feminists are evil and so are their homosexual activists

If I ever have children I’m going to warn them of these kinds of people and do my best to ensure that they are not confused with their roles as men and women. I will also be sure to interview every teacher they have. I ask them if they are feminists and I will find out if they are true Catholics. If they are not I will remove them from their class.

People seem to think that gender roles are changing … That couldn’t be further from the truth. What we really have are a bunch of unhappy people trying to be something they are not. (ie women acting like men and men acting like women)

Men don’t hold the doors for women anymore. In fact they don’t even learn about what it means to be a man. It is just very sad. In fact, men are constantly told that their masculine traits are wrong and primitive.

On the other hand women are told that they do not need a man. They are told to ignore the gift of life and have less children. They are told to learn how to be the provider so that they can plan for the divorce that will inevitably come.

The devil is at work twisting our young people at an early age with out us even knowing it.
Gay marriage will eventually contribute to the erosion of the institution of marriage. In essense it is self-centered and focuses on individualism which are two factors that are counter-productive in marriage. By it’s very definition and make-up, it is not open to the possibility of life and is not complementary in nature. In short, it runs counter to the natural law and splits apart the very definition of what a true family is. I live in Massachusetts where same-sex marriage is legal and there are editorials in the local papers that constantly remind us citizens that the legality of same-sex marriage hasn’t destroyed the institution of marriage subsequent to the legal ruling in May 2004. However, a change like this often takes a generation to rear it’s ugly head and a year is simply not enough time to show significant effects. In Denmark, data does show that the institution of marriage is dissolving quickly there since their legal ruling validating gay marriage only a few years back - it won’t take long in our state to see the effects.
Racer X:
The point that I agree with in the article is that if you look at what marriage actually is today in the U.S., there is no logical basis to not extend it to homosexual partners (or even, I would argue, multiple partners.). Which is precisely why we are facing the issue of homosexual at this particular moment in our history.

We Catholics can recognize that the seeds for “gay marriage” were sown long ago. At the latest, it was when contraception was legalized. If one form of contraceptive sex (e.g., condoms) is proper within marriage, on what basis do we exclude any other contraceptive sex (e.g, homosexual sex)?
I guess I’m missing something here. Can you explain how two homosexuals engaging in homosexual sex results in the procreation of a child?
There are couples in our parish that have had natural children via insemination.
How can you support any act between deviants?

That is the question.

The logic of “I approve of homosexuals dining together, but not of homosexuals themselves” seems contradictory.

It is the same as supporting institutions that promote homosexuality, but condemn it itself. Life TV shows that glorify it, movies, organizations, etc. It is hypocritical to say I deplore the act of homosexuality, but crack up watching “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy>”

All that does is promote a stereotype of homosexuals, and increase the acceptance and “harmlessness” of the act.
***So, if I see 2 gay guys/gals doing their grocery shopping in the same store as I, should I leave the store and boycott it because it allows “them” to purchase food there? ***
Sorry, I don’t follow you either…
There are couples in our parish that have had natural children via insemination.
I take it that these were two women, not two men, as men cannot be artificially inseminated.

If we are talking about two women ‘parents,’ one of whom has been artificially inseminated, then she has been inseminated with the sperm of a man. So the child does have a biological father, whether or not he is acknowledged as such by the women. Two women or two men on their own, are incapable of reproducing.
The big challenge with gay marriage is that gays don’t just want the right to marry, they want to force society to accept it as normal. In Canada, for instance, with the inception of gay marriage, the Canadian government will no longer consider any marriage in a church as valid. A couple will be forced to go to Canada’s version of a justice of the peace in order to be married in the eyes of the state. The state won’t prevent church weddings, but they won’t recognize the marrying authority of a priest or a minister.
It is one thing to say you believe it is wrong (that is good). It is another to explain the roots of why you believe it to be wrong.
Right. I gave ths short version here (homosexuality is wrong), but I gave her the longer version (homosexuality is wrong because…).

And I would not fear losing her friendship if it meant helping her in the long run. The problem is that if I said I could no longer be her friend until she became a better person, not only would I unjustly be throwing stones (why couldn’t she say the same of me?), but I would be in fact distancing her from the love God has for her. There is such a thing as tough love, but it doesn’t work in all situations. Sometimes what people need is flat out love.

God ate with the lowest sinners when He came as Jesus. He explained what they were doing was wrong and then broke bread with them. You catch more flies with honey and you convert more people with God’s love than without it.
I take it that these were two women, not two men, as men cannot be artificially inseminated.

If we are talking about two women ‘parents,’ one of whom has been artificially inseminated, then she has been inseminated with the sperm of a man. So the child does have a biological father, whether or not he is acknowledged as such by the women. Two women or two men on their own, are incapable of reproducing.
There are 2 female couples in our parish… They each gave birth to a child, and have adopted a third. There is one male couple. One guy has a 10 year old son by a previous marriage and together they adopted a 6 year old girl.
Pesonally I think that the sacrament of marriage will survie as will all of the sacraments. I just don’t think we want to seek all of our answers concernig the sacrament of marriage from a homosexual parent A or parent B or from the “legals” who stand to make a mint off all of this

If I had to quess, I would guess that the homosexuals themselves will mess the deal up themselves…understand they are having some difficulty pro-creating.

I would also guess that anytime you make o_g_sm an ultimate persuit,a god if you will…well my friiend ya got trouble right here in River City and that trouble applies to all who seek this god…

Not trying to preach a sermon but figure it is like in the bible where it mentions leaivng the apostles/disciples of Jesus alone (they wanted to kell them for their preching was causing a ruckus)…for if they were not of God there mission would fail and if they were of God they probably shouldn’t go round killing them
(short version)

As usual, delivered with all of my 1/2 brain

Remember please attack the message not the messenger.
If you want to leave the grocery store, that is your business. The real question is “Do you approve of homosexual couples going grocery shopping?” The answer should be “I don’t approve of homoseuality, period. End of story.”

We need to stop being coy and creating silly hypotheticals. It comes down to, do we tolerate and aceept homosexuality as a valid lifestyle, or do we not? As Catholics, we do not. Period.

That doesn’t mean you have to go rooting out homosexuality every time you see it, leave grocery stores when you see a gay couple shopping, or whatever.

But it does means we have an obligation to, when asked, stand against it and the spread of religious dissidence, in any form. We have to vote against the spread of it. We have to defend our faith and her institutions when we hear them challenged. We have to pray about it as well.
Racer X:
The point that I agree with in the article is that if you look at what marriage actually is today in the U.S., there is no logical basis to not extend it to homosexual partners (or even, I would argue, multiple partners.).
If one starts with the false premises that traditional marriage has been thoroughly destroyed and that traditional marriage is not a positive good for society, then, yes, “there is no logical basis to not extend it to homosexual partners.”

But, if we start with true premises, the logic dictates another answer entirely.

– Mark L. Chance.
There are couples in our parish that have had natural children via insemination.
If artificial insemination is your definition of “natural”, what constitutes an unnatural child?
As stated by another poster, this whole argument is a straw man, and therefore pointless.

-We, as Catholics don’t accept homosexuality as a valid lifestyle.
-Therefore we do not accept homosexual unions of any kind.
-However, we don’t hate people who engage in homosexual behavior.

It doesn’t matter how anyone tries to spin it. End of story.
Exactly, all three points sum up the Catholic stance very well, IMO.
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