Will God help me?

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Hi everyone. Thanks for the help and support. I went to confession yesterday and 10 hours later I was back in my state of mortal sin. Now here I am today trying to find an available priest to hear my confession. I’m such an idiot.
Friend, you are suffering from an addiction and need to seek psychological help to deal with it. Also, you may want to consider fortifying your WILL, and by making a sincere repentence. If you continue to fall, even with hours, you are NOT serious about the Confession, and some priests may withhold absolution (they can it is their right according to their prudence, and Canon Law).
What in the name of God are you thinking Misericordie with sentences like this??? This is so judgemental and extremely unfair to a soul in need. Thank God she has the grace to know she need Confession when so many cast it aside as unnecessary.

**If you continue to fall, even with hours, you are NOT serious about the Confession, **

Oh boy… this is exactly the kind of misinformation that helps no one.

I don’t know where you get them from Mis, but certainly you have some gems. :mad: I would love you to post for me one quotation from Church documents that says frequent confession reveals that a soul is not serious about it. We can all remember not too long ago that you yourself had a close call with impurity. Think back to how you felt then. You would be better to think on this than looking for the splinter in your sisters eye.

I will remind you what St Josemaria Escriva said about frequent Confession. A soul came to him in despair and said **]"Father, look at me! I go to Mass regular I go to Confession regular and I am making no progress. I am the same through and through. They seem to be having no effect"St Josemaria answered very simply ** "Just imagine what you would be without these things"
The mercy of God is available to all, all of the time. It is needed to catch those who fall. Grace is God’s action and since you cannot see the action of this grace in the human soul we have no right to tell anyone they are not serious about Confession.
Whether they fall immediately or after some months makes no difference to God. What matters is the recourse we have to His wonderful Mercy.

If you can’t give advice that is going to build and help then I would ask you to consider staying quiet.
Hi everyone. Thanks for the help and support. I went to confession yesterday and 10 hours later I was back in my state of mortal sin. Now here I am today trying to find an available priest to hear my confession. I’m such an idiot.
Hang in there Shameless. The fact that you see the need to return to confession is the Lord not letting go. Don’t ever ignore that out of loss of hope. Have you given thought to working with one priest and telling him how severe the addiction is? Believe me, you will lose the “idiot” feeling when you can find someone to go to.

Please consider entering this “Combat Training”.


Read what it says here about porn and masturbation:


You are in my prayers so stay strong. Like all addictions, you will have to go through an intense withdrawal period. With each minute that you survive you will find that it leads to hours of survival, then it will lead to days of survival. Celebrate the 10 hours that you fought so hard instead of the few minutes you fell. If you throw in the towel because you fall, its all done. Don’t do that. What you are dealing with is one of the most difficult things to stop and God knows this. The priest knows this and when it rises to the level of heavy addiction, your culpability is somewhat mitigated in contrast to someone who chooses to do so as an occassional “fling”.

Are you going to fight?

Veritas odit moras - Truth hates delay. (Seneca)
One more thing…

Think hard and deep about the very first moment the temptation hit you and what you did to thwart it. Temptation is a ladder with 10 rungs. When you find yourself on the lower rungs of the ladder, you have to do whatever you must to get off the ladder altogether. This starts with being able to look deeply inside after such a moment and understand when you had the opportunity to step down. It was there, but you have to find it.

If you have been involved in looking at porn you have a more complicated situation, and that must be the first to be gone. The images you see will stay implanted in your head for days or weeks, so before you can stop one action, you must stop another. If your problem is rooted in viewing porn (which is so easy on the internet now), then worry first about that and a little less about the second. When you conquer the first, the second will be easier. This doesn’t mean you should not try, but just don’t get down on yourself.

Talk to us…
What in the name of God are you thinking Misericordie with sentences like this??? This is so judgemental and extremely unfair to a soul in need. Thank God she has the grace to know she need Confession when so many cast it aside as unnecessary.

**If you continue to fall, even with hours, you are NOT serious about the Confession, **

Oh boy… this is exactly the kind of misinformation that helps no one.

I don’t know where you get them from Mis, but certainly you have some gems. :mad: I would love you to post for me one quotation from Church documents that says frequent confession reveals that a soul is not serious about it. We can all remember not too long ago that you yourself had a close call with impurity. Think back to how you felt then. You would be better to think on this than looking for the splinter in your sisters eye.

I will remind you what St Josemaria Escriva said about frequent Confession. A soul came to him in despair and said ]"Father, look at me! I go to Mass regular I go to Confession regular and I am making no progress. I am the same through and through. They seem to be having no effect"
St Josemaria answered very simply "Just imagine what you would be without these things"
The mercy of God is available to all, all of the time. It is needed to catch those who fall. Grace is God’s action and since you cannot see the action of this grace in the human soul we have no right to tell anyone they are not serious about Confession.
Whether they fall immediately or after some months makes no difference to God. What matters is the recourse we have to His wonderful Mercy.

If you can’t give advice that is going to build and help then I would ask you to consider staying quiet. For a person who seems to correct, you sure are contradicting yourself by ranting: after all, you are labeling and resurfacing MY past issues, woe!! Projection here or political correctness?
Hi everyone, just to clarify I am a man.
:rolleyes: Ok, everything I said, just substitute “gal” for “guy” and vice versa.

And next time you feel like putting your hands on, well, …
Try putting your hands on a rosary instead. Take a cold shower. Take your rosary into the cold shower and keep your hands on the beads. Put a rosary in your pocket when you get dressed and grab it instead whenever you get the urge. At the end of each decade, repeat the Act of Contrition prayer "I firmly resolve, with the help of thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin." Rosaries don’t cost much, so it’s OK to try to wear the beads out.
I’ve been struggling with sins of impurity for 20 years…
If you’ve been struggling with these same sins this long, it may be useful to look at these as bad habits as well as sins, and use techniques helpful in breaking bad habits as an aid in conquering these. One thing very useful in breaking any bad habit is to try to replace it with a good habit. You can choose some good habit you would like to cultivate and make a conscious effort to do this instead of your habitual sins whenever you feel the urge for these sins coming on, and keep this up until the urge passes. If you do fall and sin anyway, first, express your sorrow to God with the intention of receiving Sacramental Reconciliation as soon as possible, then immediately perform your “good habit”. Your good habit can be any physical, intellectual or spiritual good quality you would like to cultivate in yourself. I once read that St Jerome, being troubled with lustful thoughts, resolved to study hebrew when tempted in this manner; he eventually went on to translate the hebrew Scriptures into latin. In time, with God’s help, you too may be able to replace your sinful habit with a good one (and make you too a saint in the process.)

You may also wish to take a page from Alcoholics Anonymous, and don’t worry about breaking this sinful habit for your whole lifetime. That’s too big for anyone to handle. Just resolve, with God’s help, not to comit these sins today. Tomorrow you can make that same resolution again, but worry about that tomorrow. If one whole day is too big a chunk, which it may be at times, resolve not to commit these sins just for the next five minutes, or even for the next five seconds, and repeat as necessary.

You might also find it helpful to find a support buddy to help you through the toughest temptations, if you know someone you trust sufficiently well, and if he or she is agreeable. Call or meet with this person if your urge to sin becomes too great for you to handle without support, and this friend may be able to help you over this hurdle. I would suggest, however, that for matters of sexual temptation that you limit your contacts to telephone calls and do not privately meet in person, as this sort of temptation can also lead to temptations of sinning with your friend, especially with such a friend who is cares for you such that you can freely discuss sexual matters. This might be comparable to a case in which an alcoholic who desires to remain sober meets with a friend for support not to take that one little drink, but they meet in a bar.

God bless you and I’ll pray for you.
God never abandons anyone, continue praying, and working on your problems in very small ways. Try various distractions or change your habits, get other interests, say a hobby or two. Monitor the type of TV or movies you watch, avaid sexually explicit or suggestive materials and media.

You know your habits and what 'turns you on". It become a matter of “avoiding the near occasions for sin”. Many many folks struggle with personal purity. The sex drive is what keeps humanity going, and it will diminish as you grow older. BUT you can help speed this along by placing yourself in less vulnerable situations.

It’s very hard to ignore beautiful woman especially when they wear provocative outfits. The TV and media are full of it. Sex sells and the advertisers know this. Avoid porn you know it makes your sex drive stronger and the images can linger in your imagination for days if not weeks. Right now you’re like an alchoholic, you have to admit and recognize you have a huge problem before you can take steps to overcome your addiction.

I channel surf a lot. With cable TV there are 30 to 50 channels of 'stuff", but I know which channels I need to avoid, if things get too racy, I change the channel. I stick to sports, romantic comedies, and dramas, no sex scenes, and definitely no nudifity or porn. I know I can’t handle the soft porn yet alone the hard stuff. You can and will conquer your baser instincts, but part of the solution is recognizing that you have a problem.

Just by admitting you have a problem you are starting on a road to a solution. God bless you and Christ’s Peace And yes, God listens to you especially if you are asking for help to overcome sin.
Ha I do not have to go to confession for this sin anymore. Well actually I know full well I can always fall.

I did this sin year after year. Finially I started going to confession. Sometimes sinned not to long after confessing. I tried to avoid the near occasion of sin. I didn’t always do so great. I had to go to confession all the time week after week, month after month. Eventually, that sin turned into just impure thoughts. Eventually that changed into not even having to bring it up.

One day it came down to knowing that I could not do it on my own, but needed the complete mercy of the Lord to give me the grace to avoid it.

To get help and support from others is good. To get a priest who will be willing to listen to your confessions, or knowing where daily confession is held is good. In a way knowing its there may cause you to feel like your abusing it, but you’ll get sick of try to find a confessional everytime you do this.

While it can get awfully frustrating, it can teach you how to lose your pride and be humble. It can teach you to be more patient with others who are in sin, while also trying to get them to focus on overcoming it, since you’ve had to deal with and overcome you own.
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