Will you purchase the Passion of the Christ?

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I loved the movie and since it will be for sale I think on the 31st of the month, I was just wondering how many people will own a copy?
I plan at sometime to own on copy, preferably on DVD, for frequent meditation (not just during lent).

My finances do not permit either buying it (DVD or VCR) or buying a DVD player. So I am hoping to talking my parents into getting it for me for my birthday or chrismas.

Being disabled, I have not had a chance to see it yet.

Loosy poll options - none of them applied.
I didn’t see the movie. I know it’s heretical of me, but I don’t like watching movies, haven’t seen one since on the plane to England a year and a half ago. I have a particular inability to watch graphic movies. I don’t own a TV, VCR or DVD.

Anyways, I DID read the book, and the book is always better than the movie, didn’t ya know??? 🙂
I loved the movie and since it will be for sale I think on the 31st of the month, I was just wondering how many people will own a copy?

Not having seen the film, I am thinking of getting it - but I would like the Extended DVD of “Lord of the Rings” even more 😃

I pre ordered it. I loved it. I wish I would have seen it as a teenager. It would have stopped me from doing alot of bad things. I am a very visual person and seeing that changed things for me. I reverted back to the faith many years ago but when I saw this movie I was stunned. I feel so “Holleywood” that it took a move to move me up a few notches in my devotions.
I pre ordered it. I loved it. I wish I would have seen it as a teenager. It would have stopped me from doing alot of bad things. I am a very visual person and seeing that changed things for me. I reverted back to the faith many years ago but when I saw this movie I was stunned. I feel so “Holleywood” that it took a move to move me up a few notches in my devotions.
Watch the pricing!!!

Retail is $29.95, but retailers like CompUSA are offering it at $14.95. And I would expect Meijers, Walmart, etc to compete.

So buy two… and give one to a friend. Better yet, offer to watch it together and then give it to them.

Yes, I loved that movie. I saw it once with my family. The second time I took one of my non practicing Catholic friends. I can’t wait for it to come out. It’s such a powerful movie. You can imagine the passion, but seeing what it would have been like is so much more powerful.
I loved the movie and cried during many scenes. However, I am planning to wait a bit. When the announcement was made that it was being released, I read an article that mentioned that there may be a special edition version coming out either at Christmas or, most likely, next year around Easter. The later version may have background material, outtakes and other extras. So I think I’ll wait a bit. However, I won’t be too surprised if I give in to temptation and buy one anyway.

I read an article that mentioned that there may be a special edition version coming out either at Christmas or, most likely, next year around Easter. The later version may have background material, outtakes and other extras. So I think I’ll wait a bit. However, I won’t be too surprised if I give in to temptation and buy one anyway.

That’s possible, but I also heard there won’t be an extended version.

and certainly not one with alternate endings.:bigyikes:

Yes I absolutely loved the movie and Amazon will be shipping it to me on the 31st! I saw the movie twice.

I saw it and I loved it. The film changed something in me forever.

I didn’t see the movie. I know it’s heretical of me, but I don’t like watching movies, haven’t seen one since on the plane to England a year and a half ago. I have a particular inability to watch graphic movies. I don’t own a TV, VCR or DVD.

Anyways, I DID read the book, and the book is always better than the movie, didn’t ya know??? 🙂
:hmmm: Yes but now would that book be the bible? Or was it Anne Catherine Emerich’s book.
Because if that book is the bible I think there was a problem with that because it was just a little more in depth than that…
😉 But if it was Anne Catherine Emerich’s books than you got the picture.
But in reading both I simply must reply with another song Every picture tells a story…😃
I pre ordered it. I loved it. I wish I would have seen it as a teenager. It would have stopped me from doing alot of bad things. I am a very visual person and seeing that changed things for me. I reverted back to the faith many years ago but when I saw this movie I was stunned. I feel so “Holleywood” that it took a move to move me up a few notches in my devotions.
I must agree with you, the order I work for rented the cinema before opening night the priests heard confession during the movie. Following the movie our priest spoke about how Christ died for each and every one of us and how we should take it that way instead of everyone. It did help me a whole lot with a personal relationship with Christ, to think someone loved me that much to be beaten and die like that. Oh the love of Christ it is just awesome.

I saw it and I loved it. The film changed something in me forever.

I am so happy that so many people here liked it. I was disappointed when I sat next to some priest’s at the cathedral and they told me they did not like it. Even our parish priest put negative comments in the parish bulletin about it.
I saw it three times with each one of my children and cried harder at every showing. But Holy Week was the last time I saw it and I think as we go down that hill in Holy Week it was very good for me to see the movie.
The girl that cuts my hair said she was going on Good Friday and had never had a Good Friday hit her so hard…
Thank God that Mel Gibson was inspired by the Holy Spirit to do the movie despite all the Hollywood criticism.
I have the movie ordered. It had a profound change on my spiritural life. Needing visual props often to help me pray, such as looking at pictures when praying the Rosary, this movie has been perfect for me.

I have read the Passion accounts in the gospels many times, but Mel Gibsons movie SHOWED me what I have only read before. The crucifixion of Jesus was the ULTIMATE act of love and should be seen all year long, not only during Lent.

I saw the movie with my 11 year old son, believe it or not, he was bored with it, but then again, "Freddy v/ Jason also bored him. ( hmmm,me thinks I have a prob w/ him) At least with the movie in my home, I will be able to explain in detail that this movie is based on FACT and not just some hollywood money maker.
I saw it once in the theaters, and it blew me away. I have trouble putting it into words, but suffice it to say that it had a very profound effect on me. Just the other day, I was watching EWTN & the latest interview with Mel Gibson & they also repeated part of one with Jim Caviezel, and I was shaken just from watching the clips - much more so now that I’ve seen the whole thing, although I saw the interviews & clips a couple of times before I went to the movie.

There are a couple of things preventing me from buying it. First of all, I don’t yet own a DVD player! Second, I’m not sure how this immensely beautiful work of cinematography will translate to the small screen.
I will buy a copy for each of my kids. Same as buying them a Bible when they get married.
Pre-ordered from Wally World, came in today. One or the other of us has something going Mon/Tues/Wed nights, so we’ll sit down Thurs night and watch it. SU has seen it in the theater twice; I have not, precisely because I wanted to watch it at home.

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