With Friends Like These

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No one noticed as Turkey, an erstwhile ally, nabbed the gold medal recently in the global anti-American stakes.
Those with the most negative views of the Bush administration’s policies are (1) Turks with 82 percent; (2) Indonesians, 81 percent; (3) Lebanese, 80 percent; (4) Argentines, 79 percent; (5) Brazilians, 78 percent. Mercifully, half the 22,000 people surveyed in 21 countries by the BBC around the world did not agree, “America’s influence on the world is very negative.”

For those who see thousands of demonstrators in Beirut excoriating Syria as pro-American voices for freedom, think again. In Egypt, far more people are angry with President Hosni Mubarak for his close alliance with the United States than for denying them their political freedom.

After reading a long list of lies and distortions published by the Turkish media, the gold medal is hardly surprising. From left to right, and from centrist to Islamist, the United States is raked over hot coals with odious comparisons to Nazi Germany.

The Middle East Media Research Institute has once again scored in bringing to our attention trends our mainstream media have ignored. It is difficult to detect the difference between what Osama bin Laden said in his 19 audio and videotapes since September 11, 2001, and what some Turkish journalists write. If anything, the Turks outvenom bin Laden.

"…“Bush,” the venomous Turk continued, "who is an ally of the Zionists, belongs to the racist philosophy too. The beliefs of Bush’s evangelical church coupled with Jewish racism, which exceeds Hitler’s, are sufficient proof that the ‘Sharon-Bush duo’ is militants of the same fanatical philosophy. Hitler said he would establish a new order if Germany won. Bush is after similar invasions."

Following Afghanistan and Iraq, President Bush’s map of invasions, Mr. Emre says, includes 22 additional Islamic countries. How did he reach this figure? Because Mr. Bush is carrying out a 5,000-year-old Zionist dream to conquer everything between the valleys of the Nile and Euphrates. Mr. Bush has already “blurted out the names of Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.”…"

No one noticed as Turkey, an erstwhile ally, nabbed the gold medal recently in the global anti-American stakes.
Erstwhile ally? When did Turkey leave NATO?

By the way, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The U.S. is not so sacred that it is above criticism or even above serving as an object of dislike.
Erstwhile ally? When did Turkey leave NATO?

By the way, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The U.S. is not so sacred that it is above criticism or even above serving as an object of dislike.
Actually, Turkey has been very quiet about the new Kurdistan on its border
How long before this piece is called “hate speech”?
Not hate speech, just propaganda from a well known propagandist. Which is to say that the piece is to read with an appropriate amount of salt.
Not hate speech, just propaganda from a well known propagandist. Which is to say that the piece is to read with an appropriate amount of salt.
I would respond that an excerpt such as:

…“Bush,” the venomous Turk continued, “who is an ally of the Zionists, belongs to the racist philosophy too. The beliefs of Bush’s evangelical church coupled with Jewish racism, which exceeds Hitler’s, are sufficient proof that the ‘Sharon-Bush duo’ is militants of the same fanatical philosophy. Hitler said he would establish a new order if Germany won. Bush is after similar invasions.”

being met with your response that the US is not above ciriticsm indicates to me either a comprehension disability or something far more to osberve than trying to label the source which reported it.
How long before this piece is called “hate speech”?
Haven’t you caught on yet? If the US is critiqued, it is legitimate opinion , we should cast down our eyes, shuffle our feet and beg for pardon-- if Europe is critiqued, it is arrogant or self serving…all news anti US is “journalism” or “news” – all articles taking US positions are propaganda … the only thing one can do is consider the source.
all articles taking US positions are propaganda
Since when are Arnaud de Borchgrave’s articles considered to be the US position? I would consider the Administration’s positions to be the US positions, not those of a well-known right-winger.
the only thing one can do is consider the source.
Just so. QED.
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