Telling me that you believe that there are objective laws and then saying tht you do not know what they are is exactly the same as not having any in the first place.Apart from God I could not know for sure. The only way to know is to know God and his way. it is a journey of transformation to become more like him. This is more than just keeping the commandments of God but also transforming one’s heart to one of love and service. Even if i did not myself know the answer to every question it still would not change the fact that only with God can we have objective moral values and duties. And he has let us know in many case what is good and evil. And he has written his law on our conscience.
I could claim something to be an objective moral law with which you disagreed and you couldn’t tell me if I was right or not.
Ah, except that it might be written on your conscience. In which case you would know.
So I’m still confused. Would you know? In which case we can defer to you in matters of morality. Or do you not? In which case we are back to stage 1: objective laws which cannot be known.