Woman Bills Husband

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Just a thought, maybe he could say that all the housework and stuff was rent in exchange for living there. In the end, this is all laughable but thought provoking, these people have no clue of what marriage is. I always thought marriage was a team effort. Btw, did you see the charge for intimate relations,that is illegal even between married people,
Hmm…gee, I didn’t know marriage was a hooker-john relationship. And if it is, how come HE doesn’t charge HER for his “gigalo” service. LOL.
I hope the husband is smart enough to bring up in court the fact that there was NO signed contract between the two in which he would owe her money for doing all that stuff. Ya can’t just send someone a bill for something unless they signed something beforehand agreeing to pay you.

I guess a divorce is inevitable since it sounds like neither one of them has a clue what marriage is really about. :nope:
HeHeHe…Good point! I wonder if he signed something about not being a bum! LOL. This whole thing is soo silly. It really comes down to your bottom line, “…neither one of them has a clue what marriage is really about.”
Did anybody add up the hours? I wonder if she has a magic clock or something? Let’s see. 6 hours of housecleaning + probably 2 hours of school + 8 hours at 2 jobs (assuming that they are seperate days which only really add up to one job split between companies) = about 16 hours a day + driving to the school and jobs and back home again to cook those very expensive meals and throw in a $10 load of laundry … good grief! I’m calculating a conservative 18 hours right there. Oh, wait, she wants to be paid for her services to her husband also…then finally sleep. My conclusion is either she is lying, has a magic clock allowing her to sleep more than the 4 hours left in her day, or she is mental. I think it might be a combination…she is a lying mental. Who in the world gets a message from God starting with, “Hey Babe…”?

I see she doesn’t have any plans to remarry. Good grief, who would want to marry her? Maybe they should give her a talk show or a reality t.v. series… 😛
Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot to mention one more thing… 😃

I homeschool 5 children, make all the meals, wash 3 to 5 loads of laundry a day, garden, clean my house (2 hours a day) with the help of my kids, run the kids to orchestra, youth meetings, daily Mass, friends playtime, all the shopping needs - including teenage trips to the mall (now that I should be paid to do!)— to me, that is true feminism. I pretty much feel safe in saying this, because most of you probably feel the same way since you are either as busy as I am or busier…I wouldn’t accept all the money in the world + the leisure time that came with it if it meant not being cuddled next to my husband each night and feeling the warm (stinky) breath on my neck of my lovely children in the morning as they wrap themselves around me for a cuddle time with mama. That woman doesn’t have a clue what love is. It is priceless - for that matter, neither does her husband. My hubby, like most of yours, battles the work place all day to make our lives the best he can make it, then comes home and helps bring order to the house, helps get the food on the table, and if needed, does our dishes. Then on some nights, he helps me teach the kids math. That is love. Speaking of love, my kids are helping themselves to breakfast, I better go toast their bagels and pour their juice. Morning glory to all.
She sounds like a real piece of work.
Maybe he should counter sue for listening to her whine and nag. I bet it was frequent.
How sad that this is what people feel marriage is. Let’s keep score.

It is funny in one sense because of how out of touch it is.
On the other hand, you have to pity these people.
OK - I’ll be the first to admit that I do the majority of work in our household. Hubby does some things, don’t get me wrong, but I do the majority. Even having said that, I would never in a million, bajillion years think of suing him for money for any work I’d done for the good of our FAMILY!!! Pahleeeze!! She obviously has her priorities mixed up and is the product of our ‘blame’ someone else or sue them society. :banghead:
So, if she was living by herself, she wouldn’t do any housework at all??? I don’t think so. She needs to deduct about half of that bill because hubby was not the only person living there.
Laundry? You put the clothes in the washer and walk away. Folding is the only thing that takes any amount of time, unless you’re one of those obsessives who insists on ironing. I never iron.

I don’t consider child care one of the things you’d put on the list, since it is your child and you’d be responsible for that whether you were still with your spouse or not. Even if you didn’t have custody, there’s child support.

Why do I keep seeing food shopping? I go once a week and buy a lot at a time. It takes me 3 hours a week. No biggie.
I only metion these things because I have a handicap 17 year old that I have to do EVERYTHING for from showering, dressing,shaving, help with feeding, giving him his meds, constant supervision, cleaning the messes he makes (he’s like a 3 year old) the list goes on, The only reason I said this is because I found it silly for someone to “charge for” things that should come out of love. For pete’s sake I was kidding as you could see from the big grin smiley I put there. How I would love just 6 hours of housework.
I only metion these things because I have a handicap 17 year old that I have to do EVERYTHING for from showering, dressing,shaving, help with feeding, giving him his meds, constant supervision, cleaning the messes he makes (he’s like a 3 year old) the list goes on, The only reason I said this is because I found it silly for someone to “charge for” things that should come out of love. For pete’s sake I was kidding as you could see from the big grin smiley I put there. How I would love just 6 hours of housework.
The post wasn’t specifically to you…I do think most moms try to exaggerate how much they do because they feel bad about not doing more. I worked very hard 2 jobs, one at a laundry facility for sometimes 10 hours a day, for a while during my college years. I KNOW you can’t raise a family like that, and I also know I’d MUCH rather be doing the mommy thing than that! But hey if that’s what she thinks she wants, I guess she’s gonna find out the hard way.

Bless you for taking such good care of your son.
I figured it up, and based on these figures, my tab is well over two million dollars. Still a bargain at twice the price.

I bring home my paycheck and keep the cars and house mechanicals in good working order.

My wife takes care of nearly all the household, kids (including me), and the finances. Around here, she does it all. She used to work outside the home, and never complained, but she was really tired and over extended. Some time ago, I asked her to quit working. To my surprise, she jumped at the chance and is happier than ever. (At least, she says so.)

I come home to a kid who is developing better, an imaculate home, good food and a wife who is happier and even ‘friskier’ than ever.

If she ever billed me that $2-3 million bucks, I’d just have to get a loan, and pay it, because she’s worth every penny.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon10.gif
I figured it up, and based on these figures, my tab is well over two million dollars. Still a bargain at twice the price.

I bring home my paycheck and keep the cars and house mechanicals in good working order.

My wife takes care of nearly all the household, kids (including me), and the finances. Around here, she does it all. She used to work outside the home, and never complained, but she was really tired and over extended. Some time ago, I asked her to quit working. To my surprise, she jumped at the chance and is happier than ever. (At least, she says so.)

I come home to a kid who is developing better, an imaculate home, good food and a wife who is happier and even ‘friskier’ than ever.

If she ever billed me that $2-3 million bucks, I’d just have to get a loan, and pay it, because she’s worth every penny.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon10.gif
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