I’m against women ordination simply because to me it would feel just weird to see women priests - but when has that ever been a valid reason?
Yes, Jesus came to buck the trend way back then, but His main goal was to bring the Kingdom of God to us, it may not have been as successful if He had roped in women at the time. He was already gonna come up with some revolutionary concepts that would rock the realm of religion, would he really need to rock the cultural realm as well? We have to remember that it was an extremely different age then, women had very different roles. However having said that, it should be noted that, even then women featured very prominently in His ministry.
The first person to receive the Holy Spirit was a woman, and on Pentecost the women were not left out either. As a spiritual being, would we even have a gender? Aren’t married couples supposed to be one in spirit? Which gender might that be?
I think, anthropologically, we’ve been a patriarchal species, and that may explain the exclusion of women in our ordained thus far.
If we continue to deny women ordination, would it really be due to what God wants or due to our own idiosyncrasies?
There are certain Catholic doctrines that will never change. I’m not sure is this is one of them though. Just because it wasn’t done before does not automatically mean it cannot ever be done.
Technically speaking, would we really be going against the Word of God by ordaining women? (And by Word of God, I do not refer to documentation of past practices that only allude to the fact that only men were chosen, but specific passages that say “NO” to women.)