<Most Catholics do not go to confession (about 95% actually).
Mot Catholics do not know that Friday is still a day of abstinence, we are to abstain from eating meat, or some equal substitute every Friday.
Most Catholics (70%) do not believe in the Real Presence of Jesus’ Body and Blood in the Eucharist.
We should be careful about any general statements…the state of the faith today is not what it was just 30 years ago.>
I am well aware of this.
<Perhaps, just perhaps, some Catholics feel that if they show an example of reverance to our Lord, maybe that might move other people to follow…in your case it creates the opposite impression, yet perhaps for others the sight of people receiving on the tongue, or wearing veils might give them reason to think about their own reverance.>
That is fine for them. And I have my own ways I like to show reverence and devotion to God. Our Church provides many opportunities for its member to do this.
<You are not doing anything wrong, yet you are being fairly harsh on Catholics who wear veils and receive on the tongue.
The Bishops recently approved gestures (bowing, etc.) during Mass. That was done to incrementally bring back some reverance for our Lord into the Mass. I personally suspect that was just the beginning. The Church moves slow.>
I’m not trying to be harsh on those who wear veils. Wear them if they want.
Yet - I often see it is these same folks who would disobey requests from the church to follow other guidelines - such as bowing and receiving while standing.
I think there are many ultra traditionalists out there who are exremely harsh on catholics who don’t practice catholicism the way it was done 40 years ago.l
I still see these folks arguing that it is “abhorrent” for women to be reading scripture from the altar - despite the fact that Rome lifted the ban.
So…it doesn’t surprise me that a guy who still insists on believing that the universe revolves around the earth would want to make me feel like a “less than” catholic because I don’t wear a veil.
I’m simply not buying it.
Mot Catholics do not know that Friday is still a day of abstinence, we are to abstain from eating meat, or some equal substitute every Friday.
Most Catholics (70%) do not believe in the Real Presence of Jesus’ Body and Blood in the Eucharist.
We should be careful about any general statements…the state of the faith today is not what it was just 30 years ago.>
I am well aware of this.
Of course, the Church DOES tell all catholics that they should be doing these things. The Church is clear on these matters.
The Church does not instruct all catholic women that they MUST wear veils.
<Perhaps, just perhaps, some Catholics feel that if they show an example of reverance to our Lord, maybe that might move other people to follow…in your case it creates the opposite impression, yet perhaps for others the sight of people receiving on the tongue, or wearing veils might give them reason to think about their own reverance.>That is fine for them. And I have my own ways I like to show reverence and devotion to God. Our Church provides many opportunities for its member to do this.
However - just because I might prefer a certain act of devotion doesn’t mean I should tell other catholics that they MUST do the same.
<You are not doing anything wrong, yet you are being fairly harsh on Catholics who wear veils and receive on the tongue.The Bishops recently approved gestures (bowing, etc.) during Mass. That was done to incrementally bring back some reverance for our Lord into the Mass. I personally suspect that was just the beginning. The Church moves slow.>
I’m not trying to be harsh on those who wear veils. Wear them if they want.
Yet - I often see it is these same folks who would disobey requests from the church to follow other guidelines - such as bowing and receiving while standing.
I think there are many ultra traditionalists out there who are exremely harsh on catholics who don’t practice catholicism the way it was done 40 years ago.l
I still see these folks arguing that it is “abhorrent” for women to be reading scripture from the altar - despite the fact that Rome lifted the ban.
So…it doesn’t surprise me that a guy who still insists on believing that the universe revolves around the earth would want to make me feel like a “less than” catholic because I don’t wear a veil.
I’m simply not buying it.