Women's Role

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Since we have discussed men’s role then I think we should also discuss women’s role. I am interested, what do men think women’s roles should be and what do women think their roles should be.
I don’t think it’s fair to paint a woman into a corner and say: SHE SHOULD WORK OR SHE SHOULD STAY AT HOME!
There is more to a wife mother than that.
As the queen in the family and the one who is on a pedestal (put there by DH), I say we women should keep the home holy. Bring the kids to church every Sunday even if your spouse doesn’t want you to. (Mom is the Catholic in my family; Dad converted a few years ago and he’s not that devout yet.)

With the help of flylady.net, I usually have fun cleaning this home. I would say “I take pride in maintaining a clean home” but it’s not always clean and it’s better to be humble than proud. I’m slowly learning to cook and I hope to someday cook well enough that DH won’t be so darn skinny anymore.

I understand why you’d want to work outside the home. Mom is a career woman who earned her Ph.D. after my youngest brother was born and she’s a workaholic. The only reason I want to is to provide income. Thanks be to God, DH won’t let me. I was going to apply at the movie rental store downtown the other day and he picked up an application and filled it out so I wouldn’t have to stand for hours on end and take really short bathroom breaks. (I’m pregnant so standing for long periods of time and short bathroom breaks aren’t cool) God willing, I’ll be a stay-at-home mama and DH and I will homeschool together when our kids are old enough.

my Mother my Confidence,
I don’t think it’s fair to paint a woman into a corner and say: SHE SHOULD WORK OR SHE SHOULD STAY AT HOME!
There is more to a wife mother than that.
And don’t forget all your single sisters, who are not wives or mothers. That’s another set of “roles” - some may be in the Religious life, others are simply walking by themselves at this time in a world that was designed to go two-by-two.
My wife’s role? To kick my sorry butt into Heaven. Whatever it takes.
Here’s one woman who has absolutely no desire to be placed on a pedestal by anyone–the fall from grace can be painful and dangerous. I am grateful that my husband respects and seeks my opinion, recognizes my talents, tolerates my flaws, appreciates the time and effort I spend with the kids, is responsible and generous in providing for me and our kids, acknowledges the sacrifice of my time and career for the sake of the family, and models many wonderful traits of a loving father and husband to our kids. My “role” changes almost as often as the weather and I do what needs to be done without stopping to think whether it falls within my “job description.”
Island Oak:
Here’s one woman who has absolutely no desire to be placed on a pedestal by anyone–the fall from grace can be painful and dangerous. I am grateful that my husband respects and seeks my opinion, recognizes my talents, tolerates my flaws, appreciates the time and effort I spend with the kids, is responsible and generous in providing for me and our kids, acknowledges the sacrifice of my time and career for the sake of the family, and models many wonderful traits of a loving father and husband to our kids. My “role” changes almost as often as the weather and I do what needs to be done without stopping to think whether it falls within my “job description.”
…well, some of us are going to put you on a pedestal anyway…👍

…i appreciate you too… anybody that can push a watermelon out their…:eek:

…and raise them without drowning them in the river… i salute you!

The last option is tricky. She should always look gorgeous and sexy for her husband but she should always look gorgeous and sexy for her husband, as well, if you catch my drift. 😉

Housewife… well, housewife is more of a job than a role. She should be the lady of the household, obviously. Whatever this takes.

I’m not a big fan of the traditional model. Obedience, submission etc, as if that’s what a guy needs. In fact, it’s totally different in the Scripture, anyway. The guy is ultimately meant to be in charge but in the way Christ was. He showed some examples in the Last Supper (washing feet) and Good Friday (dying on the cross after a painful and humiliating ordeal). That’s the kind of being in charge that Saint Paul meant, obviously. What’s more, they are equal when their status is concerned. Being equal brings people closer.

On the other hand, even Catholic guys are vain. 😛 As women need to cherished, we need to be admired. 😉 What point being a hero if you don’t get your princess? 😃 And she’d better be one great princess or we may just sit and drink beer with the dragon. 😃

For LotR fans, Arwen and Aragorn look like a good example. Or what Eowyn tried to be to Aragorn. For Star Wars fans, something like Leia and Luke were starting to be before Lucas decided they were lost siblings. 😛 :rotfl:
And don’t forget all your single sisters, who are not wives or mothers. That’s another set of “roles” - some may be in the Religious life, others are simply walking by themselves at this time in a world that was designed to go two-by-two.
Agreed. The danger in defining womens’ roles only in terms of being a wife and mother, is it leaves some of us without any place in the church or in society, especially those of us who aren’t called to the religious life.

I would have to vote “whatever I want”, because the other options are irrelevant to me.

The only male in my house is a cat, and he isn’t in charge, he doesn’t put me on a pedestal, and he doesn’t care what I look like (God bless him for that 🙂 ).
You mean it’s bad? :eek: 🤓 😃
Not necessarily bad, just a statement of fact – it just isn’t something that cats do. 🙂

But as a single woman, I never get put on a pedestal, anyway. I’m just left to muddle through this two-by-two world by myself. :ehh: Well, together with God, anyway. 😉
Well, I’ve been dumped for the pedestal thing at least once, so that’s why I asked. 😉
What about those who are single? And I don’t necessarily mean the religious life? Not everyone is married you know. I am not married and I have to still be Mom and Nanny and Grandmom.All these after working a full time job! No wonder I enjoy reading! Cheap vacation!
~ Kathy ~
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