Women's Role

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I picked “being like the Church”…but I ultimately agree with all of them. I’ve been having a dilemna about this lately. I’m only eighteen, but the issue of what my proper role should be as a Catholic woman, a devout Catholic woman, has been gnawing at me. Here’s the thing. For years I’ve been interested in geography, history, other cultures, etc. I love listening to other points of view, other experiences. I really value balance and the nitty-gritty of working to resolve conflict inspires me.
This developed into what I believe is a *calling *(if I might use this term kind of loosely) from God for me to be a diplomat, e.i., join the U.S. Foreign Service after college.
But…I also feel called to the vocation of marriage, and the role of mother. I *want *to adore, honor, obey and love a husband (whom I have not met yet), raise holy, God-fearing children with him, grow old with him, and so much more. I do not care a whit about money, nor I do not need to “prove” myself through having a career. I just honestly feel I’m called to both. How can a sincere desire to serve not be from God? I’m sorry this post is so long, but I’ve struggled a bit with this.
What about those who are single? And I don’t necessarily mean the religious life? Not everyone is married you know. I am not married and I have to still be Mom and Nanny and Grandmom.All these after working a full time job! No wonder I enjoy reading! Cheap vacation!
~ Kathy ~
…one thing for sure… if you are single and raising a child alone in this screwy world… you are among the bravest people i know, and you will surely go to heaven… i salute you, i wish you happiness and love, i hope you find that one person that brings it all together for you, most of all i wish you pardon and peace… God loves you very much, so do all those in these forums, and you hold a special place in the heart of space ghost… my mask goes off for single moms… they are the true heros…

Housewife - cook, clean, care for children, care for husband.
What ever she wants to do!
To be like the Church, loving and faithful towards her husband as the Church is to Christ.
Always looking gorgeous and sexy for her husband.
IThis developed into what I believe is a *calling *(if I might use this term kind of loosely) from God for me to be a diplomat, e.i., join the U.S. Foreign Service after college.
But…I also feel called to the vocation of marriage, and the role of mother…
Have you considered that in pursuing your calling to diplomacy/foreign service you might meet and fall in love with a man who shares your interest and passion for diplomacy?! What a wonderful combination that could be! For now, since you’re so young, work on maximizing your god-given talents. They may not only provide a fulfilling career, but just may be the path which leads you to a compatible life partner.
:hmmm: I couldn’t vote at all! My dh puts me on a pedestal, but it doesn’t have anything to do with what I do or don’t do for him at home or with finance - it’s just the way he feels real men should treat the women they love. I think what’s important is that the needs of the family as a whole comes first. If I’m puking sick pregnant, dh pitches in on the house and kids. If dh lost his health and couldn’t work, I’d get a paying job and he’d stay home. (Major incentive here for him to stay in shape!😛 ) It’s never 50/50 - you can’t keep a tally on who’s doing what when, just get what needs done done the best way for your family!👍
Of course, I believe that, in parenting, one has the best of all careers: diplomat, judge, cook, teacher, nurse, mechanic, inventor, gardener, beautician and even veterinarian ;). Being at home taking care of husband, children and home has given me hands-on training in just about every field I can think of - okay, I haven’t had to put out any fires yet! (phew!) and I haven’t needed to fly an airplane, but it’s all good stuff and has fulfilled all of my previous desires to be a career-woman! 😃

Ah, just follow your heart and keep praying! God will show you the way He wants you to go; the way that will lead you to much holiness and happiness ;).

Bless you!
I picked “being like the Church”…but I ultimately agree with all of them. I’ve been having a dilemna about this lately. I’m only eighteen, but the issue of what my proper role should be as a Catholic woman, a devout Catholic woman, has been gnawing at me. Here’s the thing. For years I’ve been interested in geography, history, other cultures, etc. I love listening to other points of view, other experiences. I really value balance and the nitty-gritty of working to resolve conflict inspires me.
This developed into what I believe is a *calling *(if I might use this term kind of loosely) from God for me to be a diplomat, e.i., join the U.S. Foreign Service after college.
But…I also feel called to the vocation of marriage, and the role of mother. I *want *to adore, honor, obey and love a husband (whom I have not met yet), raise holy, God-fearing children with him, grow old with him, and so much more. I do not care a whit about money, nor I do not need to “prove” myself through having a career. I just honestly feel I’m called to both. How can a sincere desire to serve not be from God? I’m sorry this post is so long, but I’ve struggled a bit with this.
With those types of interest I’m sure you’d make a very intresting mother. Like was said earlier Island Oak, you’d probably meet another like minder man in that field. I’m sure in that line of work you’ll have to work as a team. But you could probably find some way to help out once you have children that doesn’t mean you have the drudgery of full time work, while still meeting/learning/helping others, and having them get to know you a bit and taking care of the children most of the time

Keep your feminity and your motherhood central to you, and always the Lord. Always treat your children as a blessing, nothing else I’m sure will matter so much later in life. Don’t forget to keep those F & MH close in your work too. Sometimes you have to cut back what you can do, cause even if you could do all that you wanted then you’d want to do one more thing. Never stop discerning.
Since we have discussed men’s role then I think we should also discuss women’s role. I am interested, what do men think women’s roles should be and what do women think their roles should be.
I picked the third choice from the top, to be like the Church! Wouldn’t mind a wife that cooked and cleaned either. But I don’t think that is necessary. The chores are for both!

If I could, I would have picked the second choice also! Don’t want to ever get in the way of a woman. They seem to be the ones running the show!
honestly, she should be able to do what she wishes, but as a wife, her first vocation is to her husband, then to her kids. She is to love them and care for them like Mother Church does for us! (thanks for taking the heat off the men… I had one at home complaining to me that it was the men getting bashed… little brothers and boyfriends sometimes complain but they actually had a point)
I think all of the the options are important for a woman(with the vocation for marriage) to have.
The last option is tricky. She should always look gorgeous and sexy for her husband but she should always look gorgeous and sexy for her husband, as well, if you catch my drift. 😉

Housewife… well, housewife is more of a job than a role. She should be the lady of the household, obviously. Whatever this takes.

I’m not a big fan of the traditional model. Obedience, submission etc, as if that’s what a guy needs. In fact, it’s totally different in the Scripture, anyway. The guy is ultimately meant to be in charge but in the way Christ was. He showed some examples in the Last Supper (washing feet) and Good Friday (dying on the cross after a painful and humiliating ordeal). That’s the kind of being in charge that Saint Paul meant, obviously. What’s more, they are equal when their status is concerned. Being equal brings people closer.

On the other hand, even Catholic guys are vain. 😛 As women need to cherished, we need to be admired. 😉 What point being a hero if you don’t get your princess? 😃 And she’d better be one great princess or we may just sit and drink beer with the dragon. 😃

For LotR fans, Arwen and Aragorn look like a good example. Or what Eowyn tried to be to Aragorn. For Star Wars fans, something like Leia and Luke were starting to be before Lucas decided they were lost siblings. 😛 :rotfl:
I kind of like the analogies… but Arwen is evil (this topic for discussion on another thread)… women are supposed to be there for their husbands!
I don’t think it’s fair to paint a woman into a corner and say: SHE SHOULD WORK OR SHE SHOULD STAY AT HOME!
There is more to a wife mother than that.
Agreed. But stay-at-home moms should be dedicated almost exclusively to the family and home.

Far too many stay-at-home moms are caught between feminism and the motherhood instinct, leaving us with self absorbed stay-at-home moms with 2 or 3 kids and too much time on their hands.

Commence firing!
Women are the love, affection, warmth and so on of the family. My wife and I both work and when we come home it is not about who does what. Both of us have to do our part. If my wife was a stay home mom, it would not be right for me to expect her do wait on me and the children hand and foot. Granted it would seem right to some people that since the man is the bread winner he should be taken care of. But when man and woman marry they are not 2 bodies but 1 body.

Don’t get me wrong, if my wife did not work and I came home to a filthy mess, I would be upset. If the house was taken care of and the daily chores was met then I would glady come home and give her a break and take care of everything else.
I must say that I am entertained by the contrast between the responses in this thread and the responses in the “Roll of Men” thread. Interesting.

Spiritual Motherhood!!! 🙂

Have any of you heard of this? I think it comes from the spirituality of Ste. Therese de Lisieux. She was not a physical mother but she was definitely a spiritual one…

My thoughts are that we as women are mothers, we just can’t seperate the two… It is our calling, our vocation. Do you pray for others? Do you do works of mercy? Do you evangelise? Do you help in your parish, leading the children to the sacraments? Are you a grandma? The Blessed Virgin Mary is our Mother, she is our model of spiritual motherhood, she would lead us to Christ. If you are doing this in any way as a woman, you are a mother! 🙂
The guy is ultimately meant to be in charge but in the way Christ was. He showed some examples in the Last Supper (washing feet) and Good Friday (dying on the cross after a painful and humiliating ordeal). That’s the kind of being in charge that Saint Paul meant, obviously.
I agree. But there’s more to it than being in charge by washing feet. Remember what the apostles did when Christ told them to cast the net on the other side? They didn’t shout back obscenities, asking Christ, “Who do you think you are? Who made you captain?”

They obeyed, and their nets were filled.

And remember before the washing of the Apostle’s feet, Christ told them to go into town and rent a room. And they obeyed, and they were fed.
I must say that I am entertained by the contrast between the responses in this thread and the responses in the “Roll of Men” thread. Interesting.

I guess everybody is being more PC on this one… I would like to know the real truths…
I guess everybody is being more PC on this one… I would like to know the real truths…
The real truth is (using this thread and the Men’s Roll thread as evidence) that it is acceptable for women to man-bash, call us stupid, say we are good for nothing other than washing cars and reaching items that wives aren’t tall enough to reach, and then expect (and receive, just look at this thread) respect all at the same time. There’s a truth.

How about a little respect in our direction? Pardon me if I sound pissy, and I’m probably exaggerating a bit, but then again, I’m not just making this up.

The real truth is (using this thread and the Men’s Roll thread as evidence) that it is acceptable for women to man-bash, call us stupid, say we are good for nothing other than washing cars and reaching items that wives aren’t tall enough to reach, and then expect (and receive, just look at this thread) respect all at the same time. There’s a truth.

How about a little respect in our direction? Pardon me if I sound pissy, and I’m probably exaggerating a bit, but then again, I’m not just making this up.

Some of us do respect men! Goodness! Get out into public schools and you will see what some of us have to deal with…

I know exactly what you are saying. On the men’s role thread you will see women make posts like “they can fix cars and kill bugs”.

Can you imagine the uproar if a guy posted, “Women can make the house comfy and fix a nice supper” ??? :eek:

In my own experience my wife and I compliment each other quite well in terms of parenting. She can nurture better, I can discipline better.
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