World Longest Icon Procession

  • Thread starter Thread starter Volodymyr
  • Start date Start date
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Beginning in May 2007 and continuing until June 2008, multiple icon processions are moving from the borders of Russian federation to Moskow. Longest will be from Vladivostok to Moskow with the Mother of God Derjhavnaja. This will visiting many cities between Pacific Okean and Moskow.
Can follow progress at
Wow, this is inspiring. Are the local people joining each leg of the procession. If so, is this a result of the many rosaries said since 1917 when Our Lady asked for prayers for the conversion of Russia?
Wow, this is inspiring. Are the local people joining the procession. Is this a result of the many rosaries said since 1917 when Our Lady asked for prayers for the conversion of Russia?
This program “Under Star of Mother of God” was organized to celebrate union of Russian Orthodox church with Russian Church abroad. Perhaps this joyous event was what Mother of God may have been telling at Fatima, and why Catolics are praying Rosary. This could possibly be true. Only God knows. Icons on each path are welcomed in each city by citizens and special prayer services are held. Below is Moleben in Siberia for Mother of God Derjhavnaja from Vladivostok on way to Moskva.
This program “Under Star of Mother of God” was organized to celebrate union of Russian Orthodox church with Russian Church abroad. Perhaps this joyous event was what Mother of God may have been telling at Fatima, and why Catolics are praying Rosary. This could possibly be true. Only God knows. Icons on each path are welcomed in each city by citizens and special prayer services are held. Below is Moleben in Siberia for Mother of God Derjhavnaja from Vladivostok on way to Moskva.
Now we will have to pray that someday Russian Orthodox and Catholic will join together. The Mother of God would wish all her children to be together.
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