World peace requires truth and order, Pope says

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**“Peace cannot be reduced to the simple absence of armed conflict, but needs to be understood as 'the fruit of an order which has been planted in human society by its divine Founder.” That is this year’s message for the World Day of Peace, by Pope Benedict XVI (bio - news).

The World Day of Peace is observed each year on January 1. The Pope’s message for the occasion was released by the Vatican on December 13, at a press conference chaired by Cardinal Renato Martino (bio - news), the president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.

The Holy Father’s message for the 39th annual World Day of Peace is entitled, “In Truth, Peace.” In it, Pope Benedict argues that the only secure basis for peace in the world is “the universal moral law written on human hearts.” This is the “truth” to which the Pope refers in the title of his statement. When nations violate that moral law, the Pope says, peace is always jeopardized. **
In other words, social justice while ignoring the moral law doesn’t work.
The full text of the Holy Fathers message can be seen at he supports international law
As a means of limiting the devastating consequences of war as much as possible, especially for civilians, the international community has created an international humanitarian law. In a variety of situations and in different settings, the Holy See has expressed its support for this humanitarian law, and has called for it to be respected and promptly implemented, out of the conviction that the truth of peace exists even in the midst of war. International humanitarian law ought to be considered as one of the finest and most effective expressions of the intrinsic demands of the truth of peace. Precisely for this reason, respect for that law must be considered binding on all peoples.
and opposes nuclear weapons being possesed by any country in the world
What can be said, too, about those governments which count on nuclear arms as a means of ensuring the security of their countries? Along with countless persons of good will, one can state that this point of view is not only baneful but also completely fallacious. In a nuclear war there would be no victors, only victims. The truth of peace requires that all – whether those governments which openly or secretly possess nuclear arms, or those planning to acquire them – agree to change their course by clear and firm decisions, and strive for a progressive and concerted nuclear disarmament. The resources which would be saved could then be employed in projects of development capable of benefiting all their people, especially the poor.
and expresses his support for the United Nations being strengthened
The first to benefit from a decisive choice for disarmament will be the poor countries, which rightly demand, after having heard so many promises, the concrete implementation of their right to development. That right was solemnly reaffirmed in the recent general assembly of the United Nations Organization, which this year celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of its foundation. The Catholic Church, while confirming her confidence in this international body, calls for the institutional and operative renewal which would enable it to respond to the changed needs of the present time, characterized by the vast phenomenon of globalization. The United Nations Organization must become a more efficient instrument for promoting the values of justice, solidarity and peace in the world.
Introducing the Holy Fathers Message Cardinal Martino was quoted-,-5477337,00.html

…asked if torture could be a legitimate tool to gain information that might prevent terror attacks. The prelate replied that there was no justification for using torture, which is the humiliation of the human person, whoever he is...`The church does not allow torture as a means to extract the truth,'' Martino said. Terror suspects sometimes say what the torturers want to hear. … There are other ways to obtain the truth.’’ …

Respect for that law must be considered binding on all peoples,'' the pontiff said. That prompted a reporter to ask Martino if the pope was concerned about allegations of secret CIA prisons in Europe. The pope is not condemning anybody, but is inviting them to observe the Geneva Convention’’ on the treatment of prisoners of war, said Martino, who used to be the Vatican’s ambassador to the United Nations.
The full text of the Holy Fathers message can be seen at he supports international law

and opposes nuclear weapons being possesed by any country in the world
and expresses his support for the United Nations being strengthened
It certainly needs to be strengthened:

“The United Nations Organization must become a more efficient instrument for promoting the values of justice, solidarity and peace in the world.”

All this being said, I repeat:

social justice while ignoring the moral law doesn’t work
I respect my Pope’s opinion, but I don’t agree with the torture part. Our torture is way more humane than the kind the Muslims use, and when we do it we are trying to prevent violence. When they do it, they are trying to cause it.
I think there is ample evidence that many Muslims are not followers of God at all, but of the Devil. Look at history. The Christians converted the world while enduring violence. The Muslims kill the world by promoting violence. The Crusades were a response to Muslim agression, and so is this war today. The only difference today is that we have abused and disrespected our Christian heritage here in the Western world so much that maybe we aren’t worthy to defend it in battle. The places that God revealed himself so clearly throughout the ages, namely Europe, are now too good for Christ. America was founded on Protestantism and, while many good Chrisitians come from this style of faith, it is a tainted version of Christs message.
It comes down to this. Renew your defense of the faith in our culture, and maybe God will permit the Western world as he did in the Crusades, to defend it in battle. If we are fighting for Western domninance in the world, may the Muslims win. If we are fighting to preserve God’s message and to promote peace, and civilization itself, may we win and eventualy convert the Muslims. If it is case number 2, I say torture away, but try to keep it more humane than the Muslims.
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