Worldly, materialistic desires distracting from prayers

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I’m having a spiritual battle of lust for a certain car, specifically a Mini-Cooper. My desire for it seems to be occupying my mind too much. I’ve been planning on buying one in September, after having this desire since Feburary, when I saw one for the first time on a trip to California. I can afford a car payment and plan to keep my Ford Ranger.

The trouble is, I’m very serious about prayer and my spiritual walk with God, and I notice that my desire for this car is preoccupying a lot of my thoughts. It almost seems sinful. I want one so much, they are so cute, and they get great milage! I think I would look nifty in one. I can’t resist this desire, I have to have one!!!

Getting one hardly seems compatable with humility, self sacrifice, and mortification. OTOH, it would be extremely practical, getting 37 miles per gallon.

Any advise??? :confused:
It’s a really cute car, and when they first came to my area, I wanted one, too. But now there’s one around every corner and I have lost my lust, as it were. It’s not as much fun if everybody has one.

Thirty-seven miles per gallon is a pretty good excuse, if you drive a lot. On the other hand, how many people are in your household who drive? Is there a need for a second car? Is God calling you to a big sacrifice of your own will? Can you get rid of your Ranger?

Did you see the Mini-Coopers in the movie, The Italian Job? If not, do!

get the car.
go now.

that’s the official chrismyster answer.
(my friends accuse my of being the devil on the shoulder when it comes to spending money… i always urge the “get it… go ahead… get it” philosophy)
I’m having a spiritual battle of lust for a certain car, specifically a Mini-Cooper. My desire for it seems to be occupying my mind too much. …

The trouble is, I’m very serious about prayer and my spiritual walk with God, and I notice that my desire for this car is preoccupying a lot of my thoughts. It almost seems sinful. I want one so much, …
For now, give the car to God, all of your wants, desires, lusts, and thoughts about it. Let it go totally. Ask God to give you transform your mental pre-occupation on the Mini-Cooper to continual thoughts about Him and the Eucharist.

In a month, sit down, write up the pros and cons of getting the Mini-Cooper considering both keeping and getting rid of the Ranger. Then pray on it and leave the decision to God. If you do not feel the Holy Spirit leading you in your decision, do nothing (i.e. do not purchase.)

You need to place God first and let him guide you in all major decisions. Anything which appears to distract from God you need to give it to God totally in complete submission to His will and in total daughterly (or for the guy’s reading this, sonly) love.

If is very possible that God has no problem with you getting it, may even want you to get it, but is allowing the devil to test you in your love for God.
This is a very sad state of affairs.

What you SHOULD want is the 8-cylinder, 2-seat convertible T-bird, preferably in silver.

That’s what Buddha wants me to drive, I just KNOW.
I personally would never buy a car smaller than a mid-sized sedan, or perhaps a Honda Civic. The Mini-Coop is cute, but it also looks like a death trap, especially with large cars, trucks, SUVs, etc. on the road. If you got involved in a head-on collision with a larger vehicle while riding in that thing, you’d be badly injured. I’ll take my Accord any day over that little Matchbox car! 😃
On the practical level, I need the Ford ranger, it has a canopy, jumper seats, and 4 wheel drive. I live in the mountains of the Cascades of Washington, and we get a lot of snow. So, I thought that since the Ford ranger is paid off, I’ll keep it for all my hauling, I do a lot of projects, for winter driving in snowstorms, and any other circumstance where 4WD is required.

The Mini-Cooper would be a commuting car. My job is 30 miles away, and it would really be great to have something economical to drive. Also, for those trips to Seattle. The Mini is really not more expensive than other small gas efficient cars, such as the VW. It’s just incredibly cute and reminds me of some of the tiny cars I saw in Poland.

There is an 18 month waiting list for them at the dealership in the Seattle area, and also the Portland one. One of my grown sons lives in So Calif where there are 8 dealerships, so I thought I would go down there, buy one, then drive it back.

I find myself totally anticipating this, and it’ll pop into my head in the middle of prayer, and it’s hard to get off my mind.
Auberon Quin:
This is a very sad state of affairs.

What you SHOULD want is the 8-cylinder, 2-seat convertible T-bird, preferably in silver.

That’s what Buddha wants me to drive, I just KNOW.
See… when we had a reputation system, we could keep Quin focused… now he’s just falling apart… turn away from the light Quin, turn away from the light…:bigyikes:
The thing about the Mini is that it is pretty roomy inside actually. It has lots of leg room. I could easily transport my daughters around, and even our dog. Also, I know my daughters would really get a kick out of being picked up at school in an adorable yellow Mini-Cooper. They love having a cool Mom.
buy it.


purchase the car.

go now.

it is good.

it will drive so well…


buy it.

buy it now.

Did I mention that I also own an 1988 Chevy conversion van? I added an extra bed to it, and the girls and I can all camp in it. It’s also good for hauling lots of kids, it has a TV and VCR. It’s pretty beat up on the outside, with peeling paint and a cracked window, but inside it’s kind of neat, esp since I modified it.So, a Mini would definately round out my fleet.

The van has 112,000 miles and the Ranger has 61,000.
So, I’ve been on the phone with a dealership in Calif. I’m getting the Mini Cooper S, yellow with a black top, the premium package, and cold weather package. I can’t resist. It’ takes 6-8 weeks for delivery. And, they finance out of state residents, which the first dealership i spoke with doesn’t do.

It’s patriotic to do this, to reduce our dependance on foriegn oil. For more information, see this website, you can paint the cars whatever color you want. 🙂 It can’t be a sin, and if I get the car, I won’t be thinking of it all the time, right? :o :rolleyes: :cool:

Getting one hardly seems compatable with humility, self sacrifice, and mortification. OTOH, it would be extremely practical, getting 37 miles per gallon.
White Dove,

The cost of a new car payment and insurance on an additional car will greatly exceed your savings on gas with the Mini. That would make me question the practicality issue. Also, I think Consumer Reports gave them the “dreaded black circle” for their reliability. It is cute though, I agree…

Going to your current vehicle. We had a 4WD Ranger pickup for three years, and it was a PIG. I’d guess yours is 4-5 years old. If your experience with the Ranger is anything like ours, you’ll be very sick of taking it for repairs in 3 years or less (hopefully this won’t be the case for you, since my son is not the primary driver).

It sounds like you really need 4WD where you live, so you might want to consider saving the Mini payment money for a replacement for the Ranger. In 2-3 years you might be able to buy a hybrid 4WD truck or SUV. That would probably lower your fuel costs significantly at that point.

From a spiritual standpoint, I think T. A. Stobie nailed it with his post; also, you mentioned your preoccupation, which answers your own question in-part. This may not be what you wanted to hear, but I hope you find it helpful!
If guilt is getting to you…Buy the Mini Cooper …then drive it to chruch every Sunday and hang a blessed cross from the mirrior!!!😃
I have to admitt: after seeing"The Itilian Job", I was hooked and think they are as cute as can be. My first car was a V W Bug and I loved it!! …easy on gas and soooo easy to park…I zipped around very nicely and I miss that ( we now have a SUV) so I’ll be looking at the Coopers or the new VW Bugs;)
Don’t give me no Buick
Son, you must take my word
If there’s a God up in heaven
He’s got a silver Thunderbird.

You can keep your El Dorado
And the foreign car’s absurd
Me, I want to go down
In a silver Thunderbird.

-Mark Cohn.

I see no mention of divine approval of Mini Coopers.

good job.

If Jesus drove, he’d probably drive the mini.


life is too short to not wear a smile 24/7.

your happiness is a prayer unto itself. it shows God you love being alive. and that is the greatest gift to a creator - when the creation in happy.

plus, your guardian angel will appreciate rolling in a cool ride like the mini.
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