Worldly, materialistic desires distracting from prayers

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I’m really torn on this. It’s been coming and going since Feburary, like admiring someone that you are very attracted to, building up a desire for them physically, and just needing to get your hands on them ASAP after awhile. Ugh. :whacky: :banghead: :bigyikes:
Dear Chris,
You are sorely tempting me, brother! :mad: You are like the siren’s song…
regret is the greatest failure.

I’m sure if St. Joseph had the option, he’d choose a cool yellow mini to drive the family around instead of donkeys.

don’t you want to be like him?

close your eyes, picture those warm days, hair in the warm breeze, radio on and smile on your face.

getting it will put you in a happy mood.
you’ll be nicer to you family,
you’re children will become closer to you as a result,
and they’ll grow up to be happy adults with well adjusted families.
you want that, don’t you?
the mini will get you on that road.

Go for it.

the smile on your face when you think about it is all the proof you need.

you’re just delaying the inevitable.

if you don’t do it now, you’ll just deal with these feeling a month from now.

and thats a whole month you could be driving in that cool yellow mini.
my fiance and friends routinely accuse me of talking them into doing things that aren’t always the safest and most prudent paths…
she wanted to leave her job to go to college and start a new career…
i talked her into it.

she was worried about finances, i talked her into buying that new VW bug. it all worked out fine.

it’s a bad character flaw i have, i enjoy seeing people smile. you gotta seize the moment.
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