Everything you described is soooo familiar!!!
After my 2nd pregnancy, my ob/gyn put me on an anti-depressant which, in my case, just caused other problems. (However, I have heard that medication may be completely helpful for some.) I was having a hard time coping with guilt over loss of time spent with my first child and taking care of new baby. I occasionally resented one child for interfering with my time with the other. Also, daily life changed…
again !. Conflicting nap times, different activities with each child, different menus, feeling torn trying to give each child equal time. I felt guilty that no one paid as much attention to my firstborn now. She may be “mad” at you because she’s so frustrated trying to be all things to yet another person. When I did receive help from others, I became further frustrated because I was unable to handle everything by myself. (What a dope I was.) So many emotions to deal with. Of course, she can probably sort all this out eventually, but a therapist might make it happen faster. Without therapy, it only took me 9 years. Try
Catholictherapist.com. I don’t trust secular doctors that much any more, but that’s another story.
WARNING: Whatever you do, don’t fall into the typical after-2nd-child-syndrome. Stay faithful to God…do NOT contracept. It’s strange how many couples stop conceiving after 2 children. There must be something challenging about that second child that frightens so many.
I hope some of this is helpful to you. You and your family are in my prayers. May God bless all of you with the graces needed to persevere and triumph.