Worried about someone being satanist

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Could that person be just tryiong to “get your goat?” Some people try to see howhard they can push just to get a reaction. That sign is also a sign in sign language…,.although right now I can’t think of what it is. I think you need more “proof” that this person IS a satanist.

The statue is not “MOLEK”. The statue is an owl and molek has NEVER been associated with an owl. No matter how much certain talk show hosts like to call it Molek, said talk show host doesn’t know what he is talking about on that point.
Yeah, my first reaction was ‘Wait, that sounds a lot like the Bohemian Grove… is this guy a senator or something?’

Saoirse, if a lack of ‘charms’ and such is getting you down, might I recommend finding a scapular and/or miraculous medal and having a priest bless it? When I was younger and still a Catholic, wearing one gave me a feeling very similar to what you described, that I was being protected and cared for.
Yes, that is cause for concern.
Today, with all this acceptance of New Ageism and a growing interest in ancient religions and the occult, many people are engaging in “harmless” activities, with what you are describing on the extreme end. Many orthodox and traditional Catholic clergymen (including our current Pope) have warned us that participation in these seemingly harmless activities can actualy open the door to a demonic presence.
It is still a doctrine of the Church that Satan and demonic forces exist and that they are not merely metaphorical or whatever else (in fact, our Holy Father and many prominent exorcists have said that the forces of Evil are growing more powerfuly because people no longer believe in them).
I reccomend that you email the Catholic Answer’s chaplain, Fr. Vincent Serpa, for advice on your friend. This is a very serious matter
Well, I don’t mean to scandalize here… But, yeah, lets ignore for a minute the whole “doing the horns thing”, it could come from sports, Rock, or just any other thing… sighs

BUT, that thing about the cult seems pretty scary and un-christian, specially if it’s a mockery…

Honestly, I don’t know any serious catholic who would engage is such activities, it just doesn’t seem normal (or right AT ALL) to me… (it not only seems weird, but scary!)

I’ve heard before of people who pretends to be part of a Church (or christian for that matter), and then they steal the body of Christ to use it in rituals… I’m not so sure how true this is, but I wouldn’t be suprised if it were true… 😦

I think you should pray for him, and if your suspicions become too strong, or you come up with enough evidence, maybe it’d be time to talk to a priest about your friend’s “activities”, I’m sure a priest will know what to do in such case.
Nope, doesn’t sound like anything a Christian would be involved in.

I can’t help but wonder…what age is the individual in question? :rolleyes: A teen. An adult. A old man…just curious.
honestly, I’d pray for the guy but I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

I was a Wiccan once, studied it and other Pagan religions very deeply for about five years.

Only reason I left it was because of my love and need for Jesus.

honestly, it sounds to me like he is part of a fluff-bunny group… somewhat like an old friend of mine that I used to get very annoyed with when I was still Pagan (btw, am I still considered a Pagan because I haven’t finished RCIA yet, because I don’t believe the Pagan theologies anymore?), and I still get annoyed with her now about it, though not as much - she would say she had done things that real Wiccans would know to be impossible or highly unlikely.

I have personally learned to read Tarot Cards and Runes, as well as to practice Bibliomancy - I have personally said prayers to the moon and to the lake and ocean, and to the stars - I personally have tried to be so “in control” of everything, to be “independent” (oh, the disease of our society!) - I personally have participated in ancient ritual feasts meant to honour the old gods - I personally have astral projected, meditated, cast circles, played the role of the Maiden for certain rituals, attempted spellwork, denied the existance of the devil - I have called myself a witch and a Wiccan with pride - and I personally have had to learn, through my personal experiences and pain - just why these things hurt more than help.

some things are still hard to know that I have given them up; I used to have a pentacle necklace that I placed a protection charm upon - it always made me feel so safe and secure, knowing my “bubble” was around me - when I am in my weakest moments(example is when some older men tried to force me into their car one night when I was walking home from an event at the school - it has to be really scarey), I miss having that talisman around my neck - but I am learning to trust Jesus more than my own spiritual handiwork.

after all, I was dirt poor for a full year (finishing grade twelve completely on my own and maintaining a 90 avg so I could hope to go on) and would’ve died had not someone else been looking out for me - because I certainly couldn’t do it. I used to walk home at night, and whenever I was harrassed, or followed, or threatened - I would think, ‘if I don’t make it home tonight, no one will know’… I couldn’t protect myself then! I had to let go of my arrogant, pride-ful misbeliefs… and learn to trust God over myself.

honestly, I am angered when I find people putting down the Pagan and occult faiths, because I know from experience just how beautiful and full of God they are! yes, I said they are full of God… For true Pagans, they seek never to harm and always to help - to love their neighbors and to protect their environments and to care for fellow creatures and to truly live by the truth as they know it.

and when Pagans truly do good deeds, even if they think it is in the name of another God, it is not really a point for the devil but is a point for the One true God because though they have not heard all of His call, they have heard some of it.

I would rather be a sincere Pagan than an insincere Christian, put it that way. ‘Christian’s’ who do evil works and fail to repent are not garunteed heaven simply because they have claimed a name, and Pagans who do good works and strive to live in good faith are not garunteed hell simply because they never knew that they should take the name of ‘Christian’.

I somehow think that God is more into the fruits produced and the love in the heart than in the labels and names. If this is true, and your friend is genuinely a good person who seeks to do good and live well, then with prayers and love I am sure that God will reach him eventually and his past will likely become more of an asset than a hinderance to his faith journey.

I came out of NeoPaganism as well! It is so good to be back home with Jesus and his Church! 🙂
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