I am currently pregnant 3 months and have been trying to conceive for a year, I have PCOS. I loosely practiced NFP checking cervical mucus and doing opks, and reason why I loosely practiced it was because I was trying to conceive so we had sex everyday and then every other day. I am worried about NFP postpartum I heard is difficult and women will have EWCM all the time…I told my husband that I dont want to get pregnant during postpartum phase and that I will breastfeed for 6 months and once I get my period back we will start practicing the marquette method, but meanwhile we will remain in abstinence… he gets an angry look in his face and does not want to talk about it… I can’t afford to get pregnant a second time or else I will have to leave my job and I am the bread winner, we would not be able to live of my husband’s income… I make the amount of money that 2 people make, and my job will fire me if year after year I get pregnant and go on maternity leave. We have high amount of mortgage to pay and I make all the payments, husband pays bills… I get worried if we can’t abstain during this first postpartum period then we won’t be able to abstain on 2nd, 3rd, 4th baby… I am so anxious about this… I can see this creating problems in my marriage and it will tempt my husband to cheat on me…he has been faithful but there have been a lot of temptations for him during our relationship and marriage, where women will confess their love to him and offer themselves. I am super anxious about it and don’t want to think about having the baby because this stresses me out… I don’t know what to do…
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