Now that puts perspective to your question… I have to say I was wondergin at your post given your post-count of over 3k!
I don’t think you can get to 3k without being somewhat knowledgable in your faith or quick responses!
Anyway, my observation, other than that given in my previous post, is that this is a trite attempt of a hellbound-for-politics liberal to encase his ignorance and anticatholicism within a shroud of propaganda, rehtoric, big words and complex sentences to belie his inability to understand context or logic.
Logic is the thing to attack here, however. He says outright he is neither gay (I take that to mean, in all charity, that he is depressed), nor is he Catholic (this also likely means he has not found God, therefore he is, again, depressed). But I digress and fall short therby in my own capacity to construct legitimate sentences.
Anyway, attack the logic or lack thereof. Point out the truths of Catholicism and the statistics behind the priestly abuse…that most were “gay”, so it does’t make much sense to ask the victims if they are dogs or cats and why the rapist was attracted to them. It has nothing to do with the price of litigation against Yale authorities.
His beef is not with the Pope…it is with legitimacy, it is with morality and point out that he has undermined the ajenda of the homosexual community by arguing that they are not helpless against their condition.
Point out the fact that he has discredited himself and in so doing so has also managed to alienate thousands of registered voters who will no longer pay him any respect when he tries to run for office.
He compares politics to the world of the spiritual. The Catholic Church is not a polity…it is a bridge to Heaven and the authority of the Church does not lie with the Pope,but rather, with Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and God the Father as the ulitmate authority. It is kingdom not of this planet and therefore to argue politics against God’s own organization is death.
Sure, Vatican City is a political authority…but that is the physical, earthly city. That is to be seperated from morality, which differs from current custom, which regales tales of the sordid.
I’m sure you can take it from here. Obviously some of my opinion is tongue in cheek, but you get the idea just the same.
I can’t believe some of these liberals are still breathing. How do they live even as they choke to death on their own unholy rhetoric?