I am not sure what this is all about…too bad you didnt forget it…this is old stuff…beauty is in the eyes of the beholder…a crippled kid all distorted is beautiful to his parents even if you dont see it…my painting of a little sick girl holding her teddy bear is very adorable…and have given it out to many people…not one ever saw anything remotely like you claim in your sophomoric thesis…tree falling down in the woods, of course it made a sound! I give talks in several of my daughters classes once a year…I teach age old values…(oops another smirk I am sure) regardless of the ‘hearing’ the teaching moment was there ,if they chose not to accept it so be it.not my fault if I presented it accurately. I tell people our economy is in such dreadful shape because our shelves are full of slave labor products from china…lets raise the tariffs again and thus give made in america workers and products a chance…if they dont listen…thats the way it goes…the truth is there for all to see. To make a joke out of ones Creator is to me,rather foolhardy…pardon me while I move to the other side of the room…on my shelf is a book titled: The Bible unmasked" by Joseph Lewis…a communist that also ridiculed the good books…it was published back in 1923…all of the various comments I have read here seem to have come out of that hate christianity book…mmm maybe its not out of print afterall.