vern humphrey said:**"Q: **The Roman Catholic Church says that a soul is present in a new human being once the moment of conception occurs, when nuclei from the sperm and ovum fuse. In the case of cloning, however, there is no conception because the new human grows from a single cell.
Does this new human have a soul? If so, how does this happen? If not, is this new creature really human?
**A: **Your question is currently hypothetical because there is no evidence that it is possible to clone a human being. Although human tissue has been cloned and animals have been cloned, it is uncertain that a person can be cloned, that God’s careful handiwork can be duplicated apart from using sperm and egg.
If a new creature appears to be human and is generally regarded as human, we can only assume that he or she is human because a human soul is already present. The Church opposes the cloning of humans because this is the creation of human life apart from the family unit, apart from a clear sense of who is responsible for caring for this person."
I might add that the Church also opposes human cloning because in cloning many embryos are created which die. This would be immoral only in the case of humans with immortal souls – the Church does not oppose the cloning of animals
Thank You For Your Response,
In our society most of this technology would be developed for the sake of making money on some level. I find it scary to imagine the potential wholesale production of human life for various purposes be it partnership, military, etc etc. It seems like technology is heading in that direction, how long it will take is the only question. I still have to wonder if God will participate in this abomination if it does happen. Life was meant to be conceived in love not in laboratories for advancement and financial gain.