Would it be a sin to disagree with the Vatican over anything that has nothing to do with the Bible, ten commandments, etc.?

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He was born on December 23 at precisely 4:53 AM. This is contrary to the heretical opinion of the 4:47ites who hold the lamentable opinion that Our Lord was born at 4:47 AM on December 23. This latter opinion was universally condemned by the Fathers and Doctors of the Church. The Fourth Synod of Tempus was very clear on this matter and issued the harshest of condemnations on those who hold to the 4:47ite or other false and impious opinions.

Many wars were fought over this contentious issue.
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The Pope does not have any special authority on prudential matters. For example it is okay to disagree on his recent agreement with Community China.
Or to use an example a priest said to the religion class I was in, if the Pope says it is going to rain today, he has no special authority to say that.
However, if he speaks on a religious matter, he has authority in that, though for him to speak infallibly is a rare thing.
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I disagree with the Vatican on matters not involving faith or morals all the time. Recent Popes have even disagreed with each other on some of these issues. If there is no official teaching of the Church on a subject, such as Jesus’ true birth date, we may think what we like.
How about the issue of immigration and environmentalism that the Vatican is pushing. I am for sound environmental practices. But this hyper sensitivity to environmental issues doesn’t help especially since it can so easily be turned into Gaia Pachimama worship. Also the issue with immigration from Syria and other Muslim countries is a humanitarian tragedy however the Islam is not easily tamed it takes generations and small exposure. The mass influx is actually going to accelerate the Islamization of the culture. It’s not Islamophobia when the evidence supports it. If we as Catholics are only allowed to evangelize socialist hippy like instead of proclaiming the truths of the catholic faith. Then the catholic faith and western civilization is in danger ; caught between socialism and Islamization.

As a lay catholic that means to use the tools allowed to us.Prayer and the power of the purse and the standing up for catholic values. Like Covington catholic school children did.

Under no circumstances should any catholic leave the catholic faith it is the ark of salvation.

As for Vatican positions that seem contradictory. Some answers take decades or centuries to be answered. The catholic baroque of Peter will right itself as the Holy Spirit is at the helm.

Case in point some councils have clarified and even changed from earlier councils. We must be faithful and patient.
How about the issue of immigration and environmentalism that the Vatican is pushing.
I agree with the Vatican on the general principle of treating people as we would want to be treated and also with good stewardship of God’s gifts. When it comes to specific ways of doing those things, there is room for a wide variety of opinions and actions to be taken.

Recently the Vatican released, worldwide, two prayers to Mother Mary asking her to protect and intercede for us during the COVID pandemic. and we were encouraged to say one of them daily. One of the prayers was traditional and based on the very old “Sub tuum praesidium” prayer to the Blessed Mother. The other was modern and included a line about reducing military spending in order to spend more on COVID research and health care, which I thought was very inappropriate. Therefore, I either chose to pray the traditional prayer, or, when I said the modern prayer, I replaced the inappropriate words with ones I thought were more appropriate, something like “guide our leaders to devote resources appropriately to all our needs, including both the pandemic and the military that protects our freedom, including our religious freedom to worship as Catholics.”
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