Would like resources for defending traditional marriage

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Sorry for the late reply,

Thank you for the answers

That article by ncronline is a dissident-laxist webpage, meaning that it doesn’t accept many of the “hard sayings” of the Church. But religion isn’t a cafeteria. The person who says that Catholics are unwelcoming is too ambiguous. Catholics are bound to be welcoming of all people, but are not allowed to tolerate anything that is a distortion of morality.
Catholic Faith cannot change its teachings, but she can change how she treats homosexuals, while remaining clear of what objective truth is.
Here’s what the authoritative CCC says:

It’s true that people won’t accept Catholicism because of these and many other hard teachings, I agree, but those people who are doing so aren’t forced to leave Catholicism. They have free will, to reject the Catholic Faith or not. But if Catholicism truly changed its teaching on gay marriage (but there is no chance of that happening) I’d leave Catholicism, because it means that latest new infallible doctrines are contradictory to the old infallible doctrines. Through Faith, we Catholics believe that Jesus promises that his Church won’t fail Though from a statistical level, many people don’t believe or practice their hereditary faith; I trust that, if this is the religion God made, then it would persevere.

All the best
So in light of this difficult problem, what is important is how the Church’s teaching is lived.
Too often the issue of homosexuality is mishandled on the ground. People who are different are frequently ostracized. We end up focusing on the doctrines at the expense of the salvation of souls.

Our Church doctrines serve the salvation of souls, not the exclusion of them.
I feel like I’m promoting Fr Mike Schmitz waaaay too much lol. But his talks on homosexuality (you can find it on YouTube) stands out from other speakers, I feel as if he truly connects with the people who are pro same sex marriage in a way that other religious people fail to do so. It’s worth a watch. Youtube his name and “same sex” and you should find a debate and a talk
One of the biggest problems facing people who support marriage is that they are labeled as “discriminatory”. If you know any apologetics links to support Catholic teaching, you can send a link.

Thank you.
The problem in defending traditional marriage is you’re trying to convince folks who don’t accept a religious basis for defending it.

I recommend George Gilder’s, “Men and Marriage” which takes a non-religious approach. It takes a human nature, social construction approach. It shows how monogamous marriage and the basic family unit has been the foundation for all societies. It binds the man to his children through an assurance of paternity and through that an interest in a stable improving society for his children.
The problem in defending traditional marriage is you’re trying to convince folks who don’t accept a religious basis for defending it.

I recommend George Gilder’s, “Men and Marriage” which takes a non-religious approach. It takes a human nature, social construction approach. It shows how monogamous marriage and the basic family unit has been the foundation for all societies. It binds the man to his children through an assurance of paternity and through that an interest in a stable improving society for his children.
This is such an important point.
People do not respond to moral authority. Apologists should quit pointing to scripture and Church authority to justify sexual morality. A thing has to make common sense. And marriage does make common sense. But, our society is so sick that not even common sense resonates (evidence the bathroom confusion).

So, it’s an uphill battle.
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