Would this upset you?

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I don’t think there is anyhting worng with the slogan. I have a t-shirt, “who would Jesus bomb,” with the sacred heart ont he front and a prayer from St. Francis of Assisi on the back (make me an instrumen of your peace). I love the shirt. My brother, who I am having a great struggle with in returning to the faith loved it as well, and I gave him the one that was initially meant for me.

I disagree with the fact that abortion is the most evil thing out there. Murder of innocents is murder of innocents. Abortion has two victims, the mother and the infant, but the destruction of people already born, leaves gaping holes in more lives that are use to the person’s presence. Soorw can not be quantified nor qualified.

I do research for military groups and organizations that help civilians in conflict zones. The stories are horrendous and it is difficult to continue at times. Our troops receive so much less support and resuources and trainign than those available to troops form other countries. I don not support the “war” but my heart bleeds again and again for the poor men (and few women) out there serving this administration’s policies, and I support them 110 percent.

In regards to the slogan for “who would Jesus abort,” why not? I think it is good to keep Jesus in perspective when considering any perspective. There are those stickers about what would Jesus do, but apparently people do not think enough about what would Jesus do, when it comes to policy. Maybe the issues need to be spelled out more bluntly. Would Jesus bom? Would Jesus abort? Would Jesus starve people? Woudl Jesus deprive peopel of medical supplies necessary for their lives? Would Jesus condone the trafficking of humans?
That would bother me terribly. It is extremely disrespectful to our president.
Well, the President doesn’t seem to have much respect for us, does he? Are you equally bothered by the fact that he and his advisors have such utter contempt for you and me that they think nothing of lying to us and putting us all at greater risk?

And no, I am not a Democrat.

I wold agree with those who have opined that the message seems inaapropriate for that venue. It’s still not clear to me who posted it and why the church/pre-school allowed it on their property. Seems like a complaint to the pastor or school director would be in order. If you found it offensive you can be sure others did too.

Despite the above…I can top the offense. I was stuck at the bus stop (with a group of kids) almost daily with a neighbor whose car had a bumper sticker that read:

“Lick Bush…and his little Dick, too” Now that’s class for you!
No, it wouldn’t upset me. I believe that we have the right of free speech in this country. Questions like that make people think. It is pretty hard to imagine Jesus dropping a bomb.
I’ve got a “Take that hippies! Four more years!” Sign on my truck with a nice pic of W pointing and looking mad.

I love it.
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