From your description I’d say no. I never give anything besides bare minimum email/phone/address over internet business, the person requesting FB would have been a deal breaker right there.Was I in the fault/did I do something wrong to merit her to respond to me in this way?
The salesperson was just rash and impatient and that is a common mistake - for a salesperson it’s a big mistake. The salesperson also seems unprofessional and has the characteristic of an amateur. I sometimes enjoy that as a break from the usual script. Because altogether professionalism serves to smooth and ease buisness.
The ordeal also brings the usual tension of paying upfront a person you don’t know. With internet second-hand items I’ve never been cheated and the items satisfied me 99% of the time - there are still honest people in the world. (I’ve bought a bunch of exquisite rare antiques this way, and saved a whole lot of money buying second-hand parts). I’ve never gone wrong at this because I choose very carefully who I buy from and their entire profile (or history) has to add up. (and the price MUST BE RIGHT! Meaning at least 20% below minimum going market price…)
I’m not keen on “teaching a lesson”, I might give someone an idea charitably about something in their conduct that seemed incorrect - as a rule of thumb giving that “idea” has to be enjoyable for both of us. If it hints at conflict or discord in any way it’s probably not worth it.
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