Would you dare to wear this t-shirt?

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I would definitely wear it!!

I don’t think there is great cause for concern about being targetied or anything. Just be prepared to answer some questions and defend your position.

My son has a bumper sticker from the American Life League that says:

You will not silence my message
**You will not mock my God **
You will stop killing my generation!

He had someone leave him a note that said “what about all the unwanted babies who are abused and neglected?” But so far that has been the only thing that happened and that was cowardly since he could not respond to an anonymous note!!

Anyway…I would wear it. There is always a chance that you’ll save a life!! You may not even know it…but it could happen.

I have protestant friends who have several religious bumper stickers on their car. A woman came by the house and told them that a few months ago she was so distraught she had planned to commit suicide. She had passed their house and saw those bumper stickers and decided not to go through with it. I don’t know the whole story but the bottom line was she began searching for God and didn’t kill herself.

So…my point is you just don’t know who you might save!! Go for it!!
Please wear it! I will be praying for you.
I truly believe that there is nothing that is more powerful for educating people about the truth about abortion, than a picture of a baby in the womb.
I will be very honest & open here…I was not always prolife. I called myself “prochoice”. I believed the lies I was told, that “it is not a baby, it is just a blob”. I thought I was being smart. I thought a lot of very foolish things that I am now ashamed of. (Fortunately, I was never in a position where it occurred to put my foolishness into action! Thank the Lord!)**Then I saw a sonogram of a tiny baby…That is what it took to wake me up!! **
I know it is scary. And I do not want to see you get hurt. But maybe you will convince one woman that a baby is a baby…I will pray for you, no matter what you decide.
God bless.
Nothing to be ashamed about. I thought the same thing for most of my life.(granted I am only 25 so it’s a short life so far) I didn’t change my opinion till I learned about my faith and my father set me down and wanted to show me a video of what happens (he worked for a pregency help center).It got me thinking about what I believed and why… Praise GOD that neither of how to make a decision of how we would have act until we found out the truth about the life of a child!
My friend recently gave me this t-shirt that features a picture of a baby’s face (from the womb). It reads: 'She smiles, hears, kicks and feels pain." And then in big bold letters:

Abortion kills children.

On the back it says, “American Life League’s Third Annual National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day. April 26, 2005”

I am trying to decide if I am brave enough to wear this t-shirt in public. After seeing people get bashed for political and other reasons, I am thinking twice.

Have you experienced a backlash from people (strangers or otherwise) simply because of a t-shirt or bumper sticker like this?

Someone once ripped off our bumper sticker and all it said was Catholic Radio and the FM dial.

Your opinions, if you please.

Thanks in advance.

I think you should wear it and be proud! Never be afraid to stand up for GOD! If someone comes up to you and is mean or has questions then tell them to check out a website. I am sure someone here knows a good one to go to. If that doesn’t work remind them that we in American have something called freedom of expression and free speech. If they don’t like it then they should talk to their congressman about changing the constitution!

God Bless!!!
I would proudly wear it in public (although my wife would not allow me to be seen with her while wearing it), but I would probably not wear it at work events because of policy restrictions. It might help change a mind. It also, calls the evil of abortion to people who would like to close their eyes to it.

God bless!

Yes. Without reservation.

What it takes to express your views regardless of opposition is moral courage. The courage to do what is right no matter what may happen because of it. It’s tough, but this is the kind of courage that St. John had standing at the foot of the Cross; that St. Maria Goretti had in defending her purity; that a host of other saints have displayed. It’s the reason they’re saints.

Remember: the only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish. :twocents:
Ok Ok. You all convinced me!!!

Especially that last post about the saints.

I’m wearing it to Bingo tonight. I have to work 4 bingos a year for the school and tonight is #4.

I’ll let you know the response, if not tomorrow, then in a couple of days.

God bless everyone.
I know it takes courage but you can do it!!
I haven’t gotten slammed YET but I have gotten a few compliments and I LOVE to wear the controversial ones:
“ABORTION… INFANT GENOCIDE” (with a huge swatstika) spelling?

Those are my most controversial shirts.

May we all have the courage. Like I always say… if I die today, there will be one less person to speak for the unborn. That’s my only sorrow!

Good luck and God bless you!

I would definitely wear it if my um… figure (or lack of one? 😉 ) didn’t turn t-shirts into obscene apparel on me. :o

I’m going to get a tote bag with a pro-life message in which to carry my purse and books around with me. Anyone have a source for such a tote bag? I think I really like the design you described.

I’m going to be carrying copies of the “Precious Feet” pin on baby milestone development cards - that’s a handful of instant explanation for you. Those “Precious Feet” pins have saved lives.

I just read something here which made me think that it might not be kosher to post a link in my message, but if you google for “Heritage House” and “Precious Feet” (with the quotation marks) it’ll pop right up.

Thank you for wearing that shirt! 🙂
I bought a shirt for my son when he was 3 or 4(I forget which) that said “got life?”. He wore it to pre-k in a public school. No problems whatsoever. Not that anyone would say anything to him, but I got nothing-no remarks, no lectures, and no note saying that he couldn’t wear it. Thought that was kinda cool.
I’ve got the same t-shirt and wore it a few weeks ago on National Pro-life t-shirt day around a liberal college campus. Definitely got some stares but no threats to my life! In fact, a few people in some of my classes struck up conversation with me about it! You should definitely do it…get the word out about life!! :dancing:
I wore the same shirt also on National Pro-life t-shirt day to my high school. I had a couple people like it and I also got some stares. I only had about 2 people make stupid comments like one guys, “I will never have an abortion now because of you” obviously he won’t because he is a guy, but oh, well. I say wear the shirt proudly.
Sure I would. If someone reacted badly, well, I’ve got another cheek.

But they only get those two for free…
My eighteen month old has a shirt that says “Rights for the Unborn” Those shirts look twice as good on babies… they are REAL spokespersons.

Prolife checks are also an awesome way to share the prolife message… they are often sweet, simples, and gentle… not super controversial.
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