The problem with setting up teens by “invite” is that reciprocity will be expected. Many Fundamentalist/Evangelicals, and I don’t know if this applies in this particular case, tend to put other faith kids on the line by challenging them with scriptural reference. They also tend to only accept Bible as the authority, not some old single guy that lives the plush life in Rome. That’s many of their perspectives, no offense to our beloved Holy Father - particularly Blessed John Paul the Great, Pope. So, when the Catholic children/teens, take their counter parts up on their invitation, many of those Catholics teens will later find themselves swimming in a lake of confusion. The playing ground on this is not equal, mostly unfair.
Teenagers need to be protected from other faiths, including our own. It is objectionable to allow potential proselytizing, even if they don’t realize they’re doing it. Having grown up in a fundamentalist world with emphasis on evangelism, I find this entire situation to be objectionable and potentially grounds for relieving the Youth Director and any other adult participating in advancing this cause without prior written consent of the bishop, maybe even the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops. I lost friends while trying to protect 11 year old boys from a non-denominational Youth Minister that was advancing his image in his congregation by telling lies about how he had reach and touched the hearts of all those children. It swept over the congregation like a title wave an no one objected to it when confronted. Most every child on the football team were actively involved in their own churches. Some were Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, and one or two Muslims.
If the children and their parents approve of allowing their teen attend, their should be no strings attached. I will not allow my children to participate in anything that is not similar or the exact same as our Church. We allowed our daughter and son attend a local Episcopal VBS. But it was exactly the same one our parish next door put on. And the Parish priest objects to all the liberal stuff happening to the point that their own Bishop has filed a law suit against them. They closed their school. They’re under attack by their own people. The lady that took our girl to VBS is a fallen away Catholic, elderly. Interesting conversation, similar to my history. We teach our children correctly. But this was a completely different scenario. Theology of the Body is great, but unless those particular children, individually are parent approved attending with no strings attached, then fine. Otherwise, I have issues with it. And I’m a very evangelical Catholic that practices my faith similar to my former fundamentalist ways, short of proselytizing.
Teenagers need to be protected from other faiths, including our own. It is objectionable to allow potential proselytizing, even if they don’t realize they’re doing it. Having grown up in a fundamentalist world with emphasis on evangelism, I find this entire situation to be objectionable and potentially grounds for relieving the Youth Director and any other adult participating in advancing this cause without prior written consent of the bishop, maybe even the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops. I lost friends while trying to protect 11 year old boys from a non-denominational Youth Minister that was advancing his image in his congregation by telling lies about how he had reach and touched the hearts of all those children. It swept over the congregation like a title wave an no one objected to it when confronted. Most every child on the football team were actively involved in their own churches. Some were Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, and one or two Muslims.
If the children and their parents approve of allowing their teen attend, their should be no strings attached. I will not allow my children to participate in anything that is not similar or the exact same as our Church. We allowed our daughter and son attend a local Episcopal VBS. But it was exactly the same one our parish next door put on. And the Parish priest objects to all the liberal stuff happening to the point that their own Bishop has filed a law suit against them. They closed their school. They’re under attack by their own people. The lady that took our girl to VBS is a fallen away Catholic, elderly. Interesting conversation, similar to my history. We teach our children correctly. But this was a completely different scenario. Theology of the Body is great, but unless those particular children, individually are parent approved attending with no strings attached, then fine. Otherwise, I have issues with it. And I’m a very evangelical Catholic that practices my faith similar to my former fundamentalist ways, short of proselytizing.