Would you rather die than deny Christ?

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I have been looking into the lives of early Christians and how they died for Christ. My question is, if Christianity were made illegal, and you were still practicing Christianity, and you got caught, would you die, or deny Christ, Be honest now.
i don’t know how strong the apostle Peter was… he feared for his life and he saw and believed… infact God is the one that revealed it too him… hope i’m never put in that situation… if i was to find myself in that type of decision, i pray that i make the right decision! 👍
Eternity is a really long time. Besides, I love Him with all my heart, all my soul, all my strength and all my mind.

Choose this day whom you will serve…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15
I would not deny Christ – God give me the strength! – but not because I “know I’m gonna get a reward in heaven”.
I hope that I would rather die than deny Christ. Who knows what would happen if I was subject to torture, I am sure that Jesus would give me the strength to stand up for Him as I try to proclaim His word & His works in my daily life.
May God grant any and all of us the grace of final perserverance should we ever have to face this type of situation. I know that I could not do it on my own.
I would choose to die, but not because of the reward. I cannot deny my Lord, no matter what happens to my body. He suffered and died for me, I can do the same for Him. So, I would die, but only because I love Him.
I voted “yes”, but I hope I am never put in that position, because I don’t really know if I would have the strength. I am sure Our Lord would give me the strength I need, but, until it happens, I’ll never really know.

I would Never ever deny Christ:nope: I would rather die a thousand million deaths! :yup:
I hope to God that I never get put in that position. I am a weak person and I fear what I would do if left on my own. I would have to pray to God for the strength because that is the only way I could do it. The only way would be through God.
If I am ever in that position, I hope God grants me the strength to remain true to Him. I think that all the sufferings we face in this world also help strengthen our faith.
my Catholic school education was heavy on saints especially martyrs, I could aspire to no higher honor than to die for affirming faith in Jesus Christ. I hope I would have the strength to do so, and rely on the Holy Spirit to guide me if ever I find myself in that situation, which may be coming sooner than we think. What is far more likely is that I may be asked to suffer embarrasment, family reproaches, inconvenience or annoyance for the sake of Jesus, and I am much less confident that I could suffer them gladly. Viva Cristo Rey! Viva!
I have been looking into the lives of early Christians and how they died for Christ. My question is, if Christianity were made illegal, and you were still practicing Christianity, and you got caught, would you die, or deny Christ, Be honest now.
I would like to think I would rather die than deny Christ, but can only do that when I cross that bridge.

I would choose to die, but not because of the reward. I cannot deny my Lord, no matter what happens to my body. He suffered and died for me, I can do the same for Him. So, I would die, but only because I love Him.
I love the way you wrote that! ❤️ I can say the same thing, execpt, I would like the reward too!!! (though I think anyone would) God is the best!😃
I pray that my first inclination–to die rather than deny–would hold, even with torture. I pray that He’d give me the strength to carry out His will in doing so.

It sounds so easy considering it “academically”–of course, I love God! Of course, I won’t deny Him!

and then I think of St. Peter, who denied Him three times. . .
and I think I’d somehow be better or do better than the man who became the first Pope, who walked and talked, laughed and cried, with Jesus Himself on earth for three years?

So I pray. Thy will be done. I trust in You. I believe, help Thou my unbelief.

Gosh, this poll sure made me catch my breath.
Die. Definitely. Remember, Our Lord will always give us the grace necessary to to what is right, and never burdens us with situations that are too heavy for us to bear. Of course, His knowledge of what we can, with His help, bear, and our idea of what we can take are two different things! :eek:

We are foolish and weak, and probably most of us would be scared stiff - at least at first. So, if I was in that position, I would **immediately ** start praying for the grace and the strength to clearly declare my belief in Christ. 🙂
I’d rather die than deny Christ. Of course I hope I don’t pull a St. Peter.:o
I’m sure we’d all rather die than deny Him, and I don’t mean this to be taken the wrong way, but has everyone considered the hideous tortures that man is able to think up? If it came down to the point, I could see myself denying Him in order to avoid the pain. I wouldn’t want to do it, but if I knew I was going to be slowly tortured in a thousand different ways that would take me about a week to finally die, I’m not sure I could hold up. Even as great a man as Galileo recanted what he knew to be scientific verity when threatened with torture and death. Besides, who am I to put myself above St. Peter?
I say I would never deny him…please God with the help of thy Grace let me be true to thee till death!🙂
Would I want to live in a world in which I was not free to believe in God?
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