Would you rather die than deny Christ?

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I am too much of a rebel to cave in under that kind of authority… but at the same time, I pray that I would have the courage to die for Jesus.
So, after asserting my belief in Jesus, then praying for courage… I WOULD FIGHT LIKE BLAZES for my life!! :mad:
Easy to say, kids, easy to say…but St. Peter denied Him *three *times! And he wasn’t even being immediately threatened with having his eyes burned out with hot irons, or having a cageful of hungry rats strapped to his face with the door open. I’m just saying there may be circumstances under which the best of us would crumble, no matter what our desire or intention.
Jason Hurd:
…but St. Peter denied Him *three *times! And he wasn’t even being immediately threatened with having his eyes burned out with hot irons, or having a cageful of hungry rats strapped to his face with the door open. I’m just saying there may be circumstances under which the best of us would crumble, no matter what our desire or intention.
I think St. Peter knew that if he admitted to being a follower of Christ, he would be subjected to the torture of crusifixion.

Perhaps you are equating it to St. Peter already being on the cross and denying Christ at that point. I suppose St. Peter’s actions were even more cowardly given this situation.
I can say this with no doubt in my mind while writing this in the comfort of my living room. I just pray that if I’m in the actual torment, that God will give me the grace to endure.
I wanted to vote, but could not. I kept thinking of Simon Peter who knew HE would never deny Christ.
I would love to say that I would rather die than deny Christ but I’d be a liar. I think that truthfully I would rather live. I prove everyday by my unwillingness to pray fervently and seek actively to conform my life to Christ’s that I would choose denial over admission. I pray that this will change very soon, however.
With the way the world (society) is going, my brother (who is a priest) said that he wouldn’t be surprised that we may have pursicutions sometime in our future.
TRUE but can you walk the walk while we talk the talk today?
I just pray that God will give each of us the strength to lay our life down for our friends.

I voted yes, but St. Peter always comes to mind. (I am sure IF the time comes, St. Peter will be busy collection all the intercessory prayers for Grace. (St. Peter may need reinforcements!)

Go with God!
May God grant any and all of us the grace of final perserverance should we ever have to face this type of situation. I know that I could not do it on my own.
“I know that I could not do it on my own” is the key in answering this question. Many thousands of martyrs in the early years of the Church were faced with this choice and I believe every single one of them “could not do it on their own”
Will2005 said:
“I know that I could not do it on my own” is the key in answering this question. Many thousands of martyrs in the early years of the Church were faced with this choice and I believe every single one of them “could not do it on their own”

Due to the many conflicts in the world during the whole 20th. century. Our last century has seen the most martyrs ever.
Consider, Nazis, Communists and other occupations of Europe, Asia, Africa, and South/Central America while we here in North America have it quite easy.
Pray to be thankful that we have been blessed, so far.

go with God!
I would hope I wouldn’t deny Christ, but I’m not too confident in my own strength of character.

Have any of you seen the movie, “The Crossing Guard,” with Jack Nicholson. If you haven’t and think you might want to read no further.

Anyway, it’s a very adult movie, not in the X-rated sense but in the sense it’s mature and deals with grown-up issues. Jack Nicholson plays a man whose daughter got killed by a drunk driver, and as a result of that loss, his own life has just been shattered.

The drunk driver really didn’t get that much of a prison sentence, and Nicholson decides that when the guy gets out he’ll kill him.

So he finds out where the guy’s staying, and he takes this big pistol, bursts in, with the guy just looking at him like a deer in the headlights. (The drunk driver, btw, is very sorry and repentant for what he’d done), and Nicholson clumsily drops the gun, then picks it up, but finds he can’t actually shoot the guy.

At that point I wanted to get up and say, “Okay, everybody, did you all pick up on the lesson they just taught us?”

See, Nicholson represents us as we are. We think if somebody killed one of our loved ones, we could be John Wayne or Clint Eastwood and just kick the door down, rush in, and blow the guy away. Some of us could probably do that.But I suspect that most of us, when the rubber meets the road, would find ourselves unable to go through with it.

My point is, I know how I’d want to act in an extreme situation, but until I’m actually in a situation like that, I’ll never really know for sure. I pray I’d never deny Christ, but I also pray I’m never put into a situation where I’ll have to chose.
One of my fears is that I will fail if this choice is givien to me.

After watching “The Passion of the Christ”, and in looking at “dying to myself” and how I am doing
I am concerned.

If I am having a difficult or rebellious time of saying “yes” to God and “No” to myself, how can I see myself as being successful if I was challenged like the mother in the Book of Maccabees as she and her children willingly suffer rather than break the law.

The only way I wouldnt die would be if I thought i had sinned to much and needed confession.I have a thing,i really NEED to go to heaven.theres someone i gotta see.But i dont think i could deny christ.although ive done it before unintentionally by minimising how much i believe in him
**To deny Christ IS TO DIE ** to any hope of eternal salvation. Yes, it would be hard. Yes, we would all need to rely on the strength of Our Lord and the prayers of all the angels and saints as none of us could endure this alone. But He will never abandon us. And I agree that I’m not sure I would want to live in a world that denied Christ. We are not made for this world anyway…
Yeah, I would hope and pray that I wouldn’t deny Our Lord. Thinking about it doesn’t help though, I think it ends up being a spur of the moment decision because you never know when ou may die.
I would hope I would not deny Christ verbally, which is highly unlikely that I would be ordered to do. Much more realistic is whether I deny Him by the way I live.

As I am both a physical and a moral coward, I would probably answer in the following way if someone held a gun (or its equivalent to my head) and said, “Deny Christ!”

I would answer, “You can kill me if you wish. Even if I say I deny Christ it is solely because you are threatening me with death, and for no other reason” or some equivalent statement akin to that.
May God grant any and all of us the grace of final perserverance should we ever have to face this type of situation. I know that I could not do it on my own.
Absolutely. I am weak, but I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
I would rather die. I would rather die a strong man than die 60 years later as a man with no backbone.

I used to live in Littleton,CO and your question reminded me of Cassie Bernall, one of the Columbine victims. She was an ordinary teenager. In 1997 she became a born-again Christian and became active in church youth programs and Bible study. On April 20, 1999, on what had begun as a typical day, Cassie, a junior at Columbine High, answered your question. A classmate trained a gun on her and asked if she believed in God. She said “Yes”.

I almost envy her. We are more than conquerors because of Him Who has loved us (Romans 8: 37).
This is really interesting. When I first saw this thread I immediately thought of a Fr. John Corapi talk that I heard. He was talking about sin and the temptations we have that lead to sin. He said when tempted we should ask ourselves, “Would I rather die today, than ever commit that sin again?” Honestly, when we sin we do deny Christ. I have used Fr. Corapi’s quote so many times when I have been tempted, and it really helps.
I would Never ever deny Christ:nope: I would rather die a thousand million deaths! :yup:
I always hope and pray that I have the strength and yes my goal is heaven, but I would do it more out of love.
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