This flies in the face of the standard answer to “how could God have allowed this to happen?” that leads so many people to a crisis of faith.
Usually their question is countered by “God is good, he works in mysterious ways, we just can’t see the big picture, you have to trust” etc.
Meaning, God has done something they consider reprehensible, yet they are counciled by other believers to keep believing in and worshiping a God who has done what they can only understand as evil.
Of course, when it comes to philosophy, people are perfectly capable of holding beliefs that are opposed to one another, and trotting out whichever one they want to apply at any given time. Myself included, lest anyone think I am pointing fingers.
Natural law or not, people have all through history believed gods to be capable of horrendously evil acts, yet continued to believe and worship them. Others make excuses that God’s acts only appear evil to people. Indeed some people worship all the harder because they believe God is likely to do some very evil and horrendous things to them if they don’t worship.