This is obviously your personal choice and does not really matter to me personally. I did, however, want to point out that if this is your only reason for not going, it does not seem very good. This decision will have no bearing on the person you speak of. Personally, I think you would be missing out but you will never know if you never attend.Unfortunately, after 5 years of listening to him, it has practically destroyed any possibility of doing so.:nope: In fact, I would change parishes if the one I went to changed to TLM only.
I remember our first time at a Latin Mass. We had no Missals and no little red book to guide us through. We knew no Latin (we don’t even know a foreign language). In fact, we did not even know we were attending a Latin Mass, we were looking for a Church to attend Mass and we just walked in off the street. We didn’t even know there was such a thing, or that there was a difference between the NO and the Tridentine.
We were awe struck. We could not understand a word said but we knew it was absolutely beautiful and reverent and was unlike anything we had experienced since converting to the Faith. We went back for several weeks and just sat at the backand watched. After a few weeks, we asked some of the Parishioners about the Mass: what it was, where to get the little books they hold, etc. The rest is history. For awhile we went back and forth between the 2 Masses, but after awhile we started staying with the Latin Mass. I like everything to be just right (I am very nitpicky that way - really, if you move a vase in my house, I will know). When we attend the Tridentine, I always know what to expect, there are never any surprises from one Parish to the next. This works best for me. We got to the oint where the abuses and innovations were just too aggravating. I am not saying I have NEVER been to a reverent and awe inspiring NO, I have. Unfortunately, it was only once, and it was while traveling out of town. This particular order was run by an order that did both the NO (English and Latin) and Tridentine Mass. The NO was in Latin, and was done without any innovations. They did an excellent job.
If people would just think about what Mass really is, and act as they would if they could physically see Jesus standing in front of them, I think we would see less and less of everyone trying to insert their personalities into the Mass. We are not their to celebrate ourselves, but many forget this.
Now for the comment about changing Parishes, if you really feel this way, then I am sure you would also have no problems with those that feel the same way about the NO, right? I hope not, because it should work both ways.