Depends on situation, but these days computer. The ability to grab paragraphs and move them around is really helpful for my style of writing.
For leisure and personal edification, I write longhand. For anything with a short submission period and which requires multiple revisions, then I use a computer. I sometimes use a typewriter when I retreat to the country and go electric-less.If you write as a hobby, whether it be fiction or essays, how do you go about it? That is, do you write longhand on a pad of paper or do you use a computer? Do you have a preference?
They’re still available.Ah but unless you have a closet full of typewriter ribbons, where will you get those?
There is a certain sound that you get from a vinyl record, particularly if it was something recorded on analog equipment that is warmer and more satisfying than modern digital recordings streamed.Don’t younger people sometimes fetishize old technology though, such as vinyl records? Although I’m a Gen Xer I remember when electric typewriters came around and made manuals obsolete; there was something satisfying about pounding out the keys of a manual though.
Oooh, sounds interesting! My husband also loves comic books!Since my work is a comicbook