Wrong to Support LGBT?

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If those faithful witnesses had avoided me or refused to befriend me because of my actions in those days, my conversion would have been that much farther off.
Beautiful and valid testimony speaking of the power of love and acceptance rather than shunning people.
I have a few friends that r part of the movement (well not rlly but yh), would you say it’s ok to support them but at the same time do not support their moral values? (The sexual part etc…)
Are these friendships founded on the most important common interest of all?
But a life of innocence, of joyful self-sacrifice and of actions of loving kindness – ouch. It convicted me in a way that nothing else could.

If those faithful witnesses had avoided me or refused to befriend me because of my actions in those days, my conversion would have been that much farther off.
I wish I could give this a million likes 🙂❤️
Are you certain they won’t influence you in making your views more tolerant? It is up to how confident you are in your beliefs and your desire to change them back quietly by example.
If they are truly your friends you will be able to express your beliefs to them and it won’t be a problem. Especially since from what you said they are just fancying those organizations and just joined up. We are not required to just be the silent witness of the world who does as she pleases while we tell ourselves no problem, I will sit like a virtuous statue hoping to inspire someone. Jesus told Mary Magdalene after saving her life to go and sin no more. He didn’t tell “uhm, okay now that you are safe let’s go party or smthing…”
I understand what you are saying. It is often the case that parties, clubbing and the like are places where immorality rules. Drinking, drugs and all sorts comes into play and no I am not talking about Jackie collins novels as someone else said (not that I can really remember what they are about… I think they are far too high class to what I am talking about) but my friend is gay and I have been to his ‘engagement party’ and there was drinking and food. I did not stay long due to my chronic illness (thank you God) but it was in a rainbow club in the area of my town where these sort of clubs exist and I am pretty sure drugs come out at some point, as is the case in most clubs and parties, I find. Luckily before my illness I was a police officer, so they were probably happy to see me leave too 😉 I left as soon as the music turned club like.
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LGBTs are historically and presently disproportionate targets of bullying, harassment, and abuse and that is something needs to be acknowledged and actively prevented because it is a grave injustice.

Marriage between two members of the same sex does not exist, nor will it ever exist. Supporting this is wrong because it violates the Golden Rule and the Great Commandment (love God and your neighbor with all your heart, soul, and strength) because endorsing lifestyles that are alternative to sacramental marriage causes spiritual, mental, and emotional harm.
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On the contrary being gay is a sin for it’s very notion implies a deviation.
Where does this archaic idea that people with same sex attractions have “brought them upon themselves” come from?
You didn’t ask me, but I will answer.

I have been to numerous engagement parties/weddings for my gay friends.
Why? Because they are my friends and I love them and want to support them in their happiness.
Most of them are not, nor have ever have been Catholic, so my religious feelings on the subject mean nothing to them.

Jesus said the greatest Commandment was to love God with my whole heart. mind and soul and to love my neighbor as my self. I think living my life out of a place of love and understanding is a much better thing than to say- “hey, I don’t like how you are sinning, you can’t be my friend anymore.”
But that’s just me.
Very well stated. For Catholics to attend such ceremonies is flat out wrong.
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Many professed Catholics these days seem to go out of their way to accommodate current secular cultural values.
Paul’s letter quoted above was directed at those who are engaging in homosexual acts (which is a sin) not those who are SSA (which isn’t, at least not according to Church teaching).

A chaste person who is SSA is not sinning.
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Do you believe that the Catholic Church should sanction and / or perform same sex “marriages?”
Do you believe that homosexual intercourse can be anything other than an evil act?
I’m not asking what the Church teaches about marriage and homosexual activity. We all know that. I’m asking what you, personally, believe about it, vis-a-vis same sex couples, their sexual acts, and the Church?

I ask because here and on many other threads, your statements on these matters seem ambiguous.
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I wasn’t asking you. The poster is free to decline to answer.
And I did edit my last paragraph, as Church teachings aren’t in question.
I believe that I am a sinner who has no right what-so-ever to call out others, whom I have no authority over, and tell them that they are sinning.
Not what I asked, but about the sort I answer I expected. Thank you.
Whenever one listens to a catholic radio station dealing with the apologetics on whether to attend a same-sex marriage ceremony and the issue does come up frequently, the experts say “no”. So, someone should not have negative remarks aimed at them for saying so.

I’ll let people research that for themselves.

This must be in the top 10, top 25 questions on Catholic apologetics.

And no, I don’t think the Holy Father, Pope Francis would approve of it either. Yes, we are to be compassionate.
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