Thanks for the very quick and thorough response. The topics seem to fit year round. It confirms what I was think already: topics fit to the season or feast days of the church and the Inquire, Catechumen, or Candidate move into to an ever -continueing cycle.
Here wee some of the ground rules I was going mulling over as I though about how I will present this to the Our Pastor and the Team:
Year - Round RCIA – How it works: RCIA establishes an open, welcoming, and continuing presence throughout the year prepared to respond to Inquirer needs.
- The community extends a continuing open and personal invitation to Non-Catholics worshipping in our midst to enter into the Church through an active RCIA program. This is most effectively accomplished through the invitation being extended periodically either before of after the Liturgy of the Mass or in any other forum.
- Once a person asks to become a member of the Catholic Church, at the first opportunity, the person will meet with the RCIA coordinator / welcomer (need not be the specific function of the coordinator) to assess any special needs that an inquirer might have and to give them a quick understanding of how the program works, and has them fill out the necessary informational paperwork. (so that their Baptism, and Marriage situations can be assessed.)
- An inquirer is then asked to participate in an Inquirers-focused question and answer group that meets between the masses (or Saturday before the 5:30 mass). This group is led by a two person Inquirer’s team. (Delete) The inquirer is also asked to participate in the Tuesday weekly catechesis and discussion group. The Inquirer team will also lead the inquirer small group during the weekly Catechesis discussion groups. (not a good idea, too much too fast)
It is the responsibility of the Inquiry team leaders, Inquirer, and Sponsor to recommend to the Deacon / Pastor when they feel the inquirer is ready to move to the Rite of Welcome, or Acceptance.
- Upon entering the Church as a Candidate , through the Rite of Welcome, / or Catechumen through the Rite of Acceptance, (each should already be assigned a Sponsor during the Inquiry process. See #10 of the Rite) The Sponsor’s role is to walk the journey of the Catechumen / Candidate and to assist with the conversion of the Catechumen or Candidate. The Sponsor is to work with the Team Catechist to highlight any questions or issues that may arise in the programmed Catechesis so these questions can be addressed as quickly as possible. Ultimately, the Sponsor is to be prepared to respond to the coordinator as to readiness of the Catechumen or the Candidate to enter into the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation, and Holy Communion or the Sacraments of Initiation. If the sponsor of a Candidate, the sponsor must ensure that their Candidate has received the opportunity to participate in the (Sacrament of Reconciliation) prior to reception of the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion.
(The Catechumens would not participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil)
- Catechumen and Candidates will participate together in the weekly Catechesis. Weekly Catechesis will consist of a lesson (which each person is responsible to prepare for) from the This is Our Faith book. The session will be broken out as follows:
• Welcome and administrative announcements (15 minutes).
• Weekly Prayer / Reflection (15 minutes). At times this will include time to un-pack various rites and experiences.
• Lesson Introduction / Presentation (Not to exceed 20 minjutes)
• Small Group discussion. 15 minutes Designated small group (table) discussion leaders will assist in facilitating small group discussion (not to exceed 5-6 people). These small group facilitators must come to the lesson prepared to discuss the topic. Delete (If Inquirers are present, then the Inquiry team will facilitate the discussion.)
• Large Group Sharing. (15 minutes) The Presenter will then facilitate discussion amongst the small groups to stimulate other ideas and to form a sense of community across the RCIA community.
• Weekly Summary and dismissal prayer (10 minutes).
• Social Sharing. Team members are encouraged to remain after the meeting to speak with Inquirers, Catechumen, and Candidates. Also, it is a good idea to get some feed back as to whether or not the lesson objectives were met.
- Catechumen will participate in the Mass and Breaking Open the Word (BOW). BOW will consit of a 30 to 45 minute reflection on the Sunday Liturgy. The facilitators must be trained and should use the process of group Lectio Divina as a guide.
- People enter the program year round so typically one would have to remain in the Catechesis sessions for at least one full year. This includes the fully initiated who are participating in Mystagogia.
- Mystagogia groups will meet (for the fully initiated) once a month at similar times as the Inquirers on Sundays between the Masses or Saturday Evening before or after Mass.
- Sponsors in training should also participate in a monthly preparation Catechesis so that there is always a pool of trained Sponsors to answer call of the Holy Spirit for people to enter the Church.
That is wher I am now with this. Thank you for your great help and (name removed by moderator)ut.