F Funvod Guest Jul 11, 2020 #3,501 Yeah. I’ve been told it’s a cute feature. I think they’re annoying though. Do you have glasses?
G Greenfields Guest Jul 11, 2020 #3,502 Yes! Some cheap o reading glasses Do you have a cat sitting beside you ?
C CRV Guest Jul 11, 2020 #3,503 No … a dog (waiting for tidbits) Do you have floor rugs in your bedroom?
U UpUpAndAway Guest Jul 12, 2020 #3,508 I guess it depends on what you mean by “near.” Can I walk to it? No. Does it take half a day to drive there? No… woman_shrugging:t2: Do you have a spiral staircase in your home? Last edited: Jul 12, 2020
I guess it depends on what you mean by “near.” Can I walk to it? No. Does it take half a day to drive there? No… woman_shrugging:t2: Do you have a spiral staircase in your home?
F Funvod Guest Jul 12, 2020 #3,511 Had to google it. No, I don’t even own a car. Do you have a driver’s license?
H Hunho Guest Jul 13, 2020 #3,518 Not clippers, just the pair of scissors my wife uses when she cuts my hair. Do you have a pair of black lace-up shoes?
Not clippers, just the pair of scissors my wife uses when she cuts my hair. Do you have a pair of black lace-up shoes?