Yet another you have?

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[Charcoal smoker grills are the best outdoor cooking device in the recorded history of humankind…I’ve had mine for many years…I use applewood from my small orchard…]

No bug zapper…we use citronella candles now and then…

Do you have a sweet tooth?
I seem to ,although it’s gradually turning savoury:)
Do you have mosquitos yet? Argh. They are at the screen again…
No Mosquitos here in Colo,usually
Do you have a bird nesting nearby with babies?
No, but there was a wallaby once.
Do you have Canadian geese visit nearby?
Yes, in fact there are quite a few in fact. It has been to cold for mosquitoes, but I bet when it does warm up they will be here with a vengeance.

Do you have a professional sport team nearby?
I live in Los Angeles! So, gracious, yes! And I am glad!

Have you ever caught a baseball during a game? (A foul or fly that went into the stands.)
No, but I had several close misses. The little kids in the stands were always quicker.

Have you ever seen “The King, and I” on stage?
Yes,it’s not that efficient,but having very hot and slow burning wood helps.
Do you have a bicycle?
Not any more.

Do you have a chronic itch somewhere that you can’t scratch?
Fortunately, no…[Itching can be just as contagious as yawning…thanks a lot!]

Do you have a shoulder replacement?
Noo.🙂 and I just started scratching aft reading about scratching…
Do you have many exercise machines in the basement?
Yes. My knee don’t work it any longer, but my daughter uses it daily! Has lost 20 pounds already!

Do you have a hot steaming cup of coffee right now?
I wish…had to give up coffee and all other caffein 20 years ago…

Do you have a chest freezer?
No, but I have a Zero Water in the refrigerator.

Do you have an automatic bread maker?
Yes but I normal only use the mix function then oven bake it.
Do you have a piggy bank full of pennys and such?
A little basket of foreign coins :slight_smile:Do you have letters from your Grandparents ?
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