Yet another oldie...RU?

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RU a person who enjoys wine with meals?
i am not much for whining, especially at meals

give me a good beer

ru seeing black friday ads yet? i read harbor freight has theirs posted. i didn’t see it just read about it
RU worried about something right now? 😟
yes, you don’t get to experience black friday

or maybe i’m jealous you don’t get to experience black friday. it sure is a hassle to do anything on that day

or maybe i’m worried i will fall into the black friday black hole and never return (reminds me of the kinston trio song)

ru tired of anything
I am, but I also know the situation won’t last forever so it’s all good 🙂

RU a violinist? 🎻
Nope, just a pianist. Kind of want to learn something more portable though.

R U ready for fall?
Ready and waiting for fall…I work at a large golf course, and at this time of year, we’re short-handed, and with the current summer weather, the grass is growing so fast we can’t keep up…

RU a Greek yogurt fan?
Yes it is still hot and humid, but that will soon change.
RU going to winterize you car soon?
I’ll be honest, I’m not even sure how to do that. I’m buying a bag of cheap non-clumping litter, but that’s about as far as you need down here anyway.

RU fixing your own dinner tonight?
I pretty much do that every day. 😊

RU someone that has a “must see” tv show?
No, not any longer.

RU fond of getting very dressed up for a night out?
Yes, definitely. I’m honestly sad that there seem to be so few places for adults to truly dress up nowadays, especially if you’re not going on dates. And the few that are left are often out of budget for many of us.

RU a fan of horror?
No. I find real life is horrific enough 😱

RU getting up earlier than usual tomorrow?
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I hope not…I beat the alarm by 45 minutes today…

RU a collector of antiques?
Oh, gosh no. :swimming_woman:t3: 🚫 :no_good_woman:t2: I hate being submerged.

RU buying a new refrigerator in the next six months?
I’ve never bought a refrigerator in my entire life 😉

RU fond of the color black?
As long as I can match it up with emerald green or ruby red.
RU planning on visiting a zoo soon.
No. Hopefully will do next summer, though.

RU a member of the Knights of Columbus (if male) or the Daughters of Isabella (if female)?
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