Yet another oldie...RU?

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Heck no. It’s 106°F (41°C) where I am, and so dry that there are water restrictions in effect. I can’t wash my super-filthy car 😭

RU having a salad for dinner this evening? 🥗
No, this area is quite flat—not Netherlands flat nor Bonneville (Utah) flat, but definitely no mountains for miles around.

RU going to Adoration this week? 🙏 ❤️
No, I’m your garden-variety brown-eyed girl.

(🎶 Do you remember when—we used to sing…tra la la la la la la la la la la tee dah 🎶)

RU Eastern Catholic?
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No. But wish I had been.

RU very different now then how you were as a teenager?
My hair is grey, had a cataract removed, have children in their mid 30’s, I have a few wrinkles, hobble around on a cane, and I voted for Nixon. Yeap I am way different.
RU uncomfortable in small spaces.
No. I once took a nap in a train station luggage locker (long story).

RU trying to lose weight? 🥗 :walking_woman::walking_man:
I did once, in a fifth-quarter German class, but that was almost 50 years ago…

RU visiting a zoo in the near future?
No. Probably won’t at least until next year.

RU on a low-sodium diet? ❌ 🧂
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Not even close…my handwriting has always been terrible…the nuns said I’d be either a doctor or a priest, because neither is legible…

RU wearing glasses?
Familiar with it, yes. Not sure I’d want to do it, though.

RU an apartment dweller? 🏢
No. But I am definitely a dweller.
RU a pretty wise traveler who knows how to pack just what’s needed?
Yes. I used to travel three weeks out of four for work. Over time, you learn. 🧳

RU, in general, a visually happy person (meaning that you look happy to others)?
Yes…that’s what others have told me.
RU one who tries to respond to the prayers at mass or one who hardly can be heard?
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