Rightly, Schaick, Gtrenewed, can you imagine how utterly shocked Paul would have been if he had been told that his epistles, and the writings of Peter and John and the others would one day be tied up together and elevated to the position of a complete and exhaustive statement of the doctrines of Christianity, and eventually placed in each man’s hand as an easy and infallible guide for each and every fallible Christian to interpret, totally independent of the living and teaching authority of the church, forever guided by the infallible HS? Think about it! No one would have been more shocked at the idea of his letters usurping the place of the authoritative teacher — the Church, than Paul who said, “'How shall they hear without a preacher? how shall they preach unless they be sent?”
The idea that the twelve apostles sat down together in some room, pens in hand, and wrote off at a sitting, (or got together at a later date to compile and bind their collective works into one volume, which, in their minds, would one day be called the New Testament and the Christians final authority) - with the idea of issuing this volume to each and every Christian, independent of the church founded by Jesus, of which they were the first Pastors/teachers, is just plain silly, not to mention an impossibility due to so many factors, but this is what every sola scriptura advocate must espouse if they want to sell the notion that SS was taught and promulgated by even the apostles themselves, for if it was not taught by the apostles then it is nothing more than a man-made tradition which would violate Sola Scriptura.
What are your thoughts?
The idea that the twelve apostles sat down together in some room, pens in hand, and wrote off at a sitting, (or got together at a later date to compile and bind their collective works into one volume, which, in their minds, would one day be called the New Testament and the Christians final authority) - with the idea of issuing this volume to each and every Christian, independent of the church founded by Jesus, of which they were the first Pastors/teachers, is just plain silly, not to mention an impossibility due to so many factors, but this is what every sola scriptura advocate must espouse if they want to sell the notion that SS was taught and promulgated by even the apostles themselves, for if it was not taught by the apostles then it is nothing more than a man-made tradition which would violate Sola Scriptura.
What are your thoughts?