You are not relaying the account correctly. Acts 15:24 "Since we heard that some of our number to whom we gave no instruction have disturbed you with their words, unsettling you souls,"
Fisrt, if this had been a church that Paul founded, he would have settled the dispute like is recorded in his other letters.
Since it was founded from Judea, and the Judaizers were from Judea, they had to go there for the answer because the Judaizers would not submit to Paul.
And what evidence do you have that the Judiazers would not submit to Paul?
You are correct that the way Jesus set things up, disputes are to go “to the Church”. This begins with the local authorities, and if not resolved, continues up the chain of authority until it reaches the successor of Peter. This was the case with the ordination of women, for example.
This action became Scripture so that it could be the example down through the ages.
Yes, but what is the example? Do you think the intent is to show that the Judiazers would not submit to Paul?
Paul used the Scriptures back then to resolve the dispute that Jesus was the messiah to the Jews, see Acts 28:23 It was in their Scripture that the just shall live by faith.
Yes, scripture us useful in teaching. However, His authority did not come from the Scriptures, but from Christ, thorugh the Church.
If the Judaizers would have submitted to Paul, he could have used their Scriptures to settle the dispute, see Hebrews for examples of ot scriptures.
It is true that the Scriptures can be used to settle disputes, and the Church has done this since the beginning. However, the settlement of the dispute is the responsibility of the Church, and her authorized teachers. Books cannot settle disputes, however Holy they may be.
Scripture contains all that is necessary to come to faith in Jesus and to live as a disciple.
Understanding that you are not trying to be hostile and anti-catholic, it is my duty to point out that you have forwarded an anti-Catholic doctrine here. This doctrine was formed during the Reformation to justify the rejection of the Church founded by Christ, and the authorities that were representing it to the designers of this doctrine.
It represents a significant departure from what the Apostles believed and taught.
It also makes Jesus’ creation of the Church unnecessary.
It is God’s Word and as such it carries God’s authority, for He says He watches over His Word to perform it.
The Holy Scriptures are certainly authoritative, but the exercise of authority belongs to persons, because it requires an act of the will, which the scriptures does not have.
I find it curious that you are able to accep that God will watch over His Word to perform it in the Scriptures, but you think He is too weak or disinterested to do this for the Word He placed in the Church.
If the pope to Luther would have listened to Scripture the break probably would not have happened.
I am sure that there are many things that could have been done differently on both sides to prevent the break, the faithful adherance to Scripture being one. The clerics against whom Luther was railing were corrupt, and were committing Simony, a grave sin. Looking at these men, the faithful could not see the face of Christ. Unfortunatly, Luther forgot that, although sinful men are always in need of reform, it is not our perogative to change the One Faith (doctrines) that were once and for all deposited with the saints.
The CCC says there were errors on both sides.
Yes. One of the most errors with the most serious consequences was the attempt to force the Scriptures into the role of authority. This has resulted in every individual believers becoming their own authority, and has demonstrated by the fruit of division how serious the error was.
If two Christians feel strongly about a certain scripture and disagree and belong to the same denomination, they appeal to that groups elders. If not in the same denomination there should dialogue, each must rigorously seek God for the answer with a humble heart and if they still disagree then go their own ways if they choose. Jesus will sort it out at the resurrection, if not before.
You are right, this is a good description of what happens.
But this is not what Jesus told us to do, is it. He wants no “denominations” and He wants disputes settled by the Church, in this age.
That is what is happening here. We disagree, we dialogue, and we say Good Night each convinced they are correct but we agree that Jesus is God, He suffered and died for our sins, was resurrected, and sits at the Father’s right hand. The rest we will find out in heaven.
You can wait, if you want. Catholics do not have to wait, because we have received His promise to the Church, that the HS would guide her into all Truth.