Young Earth Creationism - battling it

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I should like to note that old earth=/= neodarwinian evolution up to the human species.

But, here’s one attempt.
Evolution happened.

Then God created humans in the garden of Eden.
They did wrong. They were cast out of the garden into the rest of the world, where they mingled with the other hominids and what not.
This does away with inter familial relations but harms the idea of the ‘whole world’ falling due to it.

Here’s another idea.
Adam and Eve existed above the mere material plane, in a præternatural existence. Similarly the rest of the world also existed above the material plane. However, upon sinning, the fall caused the entire natural world to fall, including evolutionary processes that led up to the current affairs of the world today.
In this model, evolution itself is a result of the fall. Some may not like the bearings it may have on the soul and if it implies a preexistence of the soul, but it seems fairly orthodox if it can be interpreted in a way to avoid that.

I could accept any theory which supposes an evolution that does not, in any way, involve the evolution of Man from animal, or the interbreeding of Man and animal. Especially that second one.

I would still have issues with the theory, but I could see it fitting within the framework of Catholic theology. Like say, a Garden of Eden paradise existing on, but separate, from the evolved Earth. As long as that Garden is an earthly paradise without trial or death, Man is formed directly from some kind of inanimate matter and Woman formed from Man, and no successful interbreeding with animals ever happened.

That would meet the bare minimum standards, in my opinion.
I believe they existed…just that the story is symbolic. I mean it wasn’t a fruit from a tree, etc etc…
It’s a story about man’s fall from grace…that’s all.

Exactly the reason why I combat YEC so vehemently. It places a stumblingblock in front of people and turns them away from Christianity.
I think the greater question is, how could life evolve without God? Atheists use the ToE in a way that says no god is needed.
Don’t get me started on “creation museums”.

It’s borderline child abuse to teach kids that humans rode dinosaurs around IRL like Flinstones… not to mention all the other garbage.

Bring them to an ACTUAL museum, one that’s not full of young earth propaganda and not set up for the sole intent of proselytizing children into an anti-science worldview.
Mere myths…

The earth is actually a saucer enclosed by a clear metal dome and the Moon is a cosmic ball of cheese.
What’s a shaggoth? Do I want to know? Will I come to regret it if I google that?
So do any Catholics who are either Old Earth, Theistic Evolutionists, Intelligent Designers, or some composite of these, have any resources or ideas regarding things like the fall of the angels and how it may have impacted the universe? The fall if man and original sin? Adam and Eve being the first true humans? Etc etc…
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