I don’t doubt that you have faith. It might just be the faith of a blind conformist; I can’t know that for sure. But it really does seem like you’re trying to compensate for something.
I don’t think he has no faith, he may just be a blind conformist. It really does seem like he’s trying to compensate for something.Well I think that itself might be an overstatement on your part. I have no reason to doubt his faith in God, just to doubt his faith in science.
ri theologians considered creation ex nihilo to be a dogmatic issue, and therefore unfortunately imputed disbelief upon Avicenna and others. Imam Fakhr ad-Din Razi (the great Asha
ri philosopher and theologian) however, rightly asserted that the issue is not dogmatic, because the Qur’an does not support nor reject creation ex nihilo; and whilst Fakhr ad-Din Razi had his own reasons for accepting creation ex nihilo, he admitted that the philosophers possessed better/stronger arguments overall for their position of the world’s pre-eternality.I don’t know how you can say you agree with me because you’re claiming that I said things I never said.I agree with you - the question is not theological or spiritual, but
primarily so. Obviously, there are second order effects that are found in
theology, or else we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
I also agree with you that the Church should leave it up to the individual
Catholic to make up their own mind on this non-dogmatic issue. Why then
are Catholic apologists attempting to castigate YEC’s as ignorant rubes?
When we did not know any better, we could believe that the earth was a few thousand years old—because we (as a human society) were in ignorance of the actual age of the earth. We had no way of knowing. Now that we know better, there is no excuse for trying to “prove” that the earth is only a fraction of its real age.
But keep in mind the Canon from Vatican I.But nowadays, science has advanced.
Not exactly, ever heard of the ‘inflationary’ and ‘cyclical’ theories?We can know with great certainty that the world began to exist and is not eternal.
Keep in mind that I’m not discussing scientific evidence for and/or against evolution/creation.But I don’t see how it is scientifically explainable.