Your Family Inheritance-Healthy- or Not?

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Your Family Inheritance-Healthy- or Not?

The more time passes the more I am forced to think about the genetic quirks I might have inherited or have passed on to my own offspring. Is it a grim picture for everyone or just a few?
I read a statistic somewhere that if a persons mother had cancer then they would have a 33% chance of having it also. Scary.
I read a statistic somewhere that if a persons mother had cancer then they would have a 33% chance of having it also. Scary.
When I start multiplying possible health problems by the odds I feel like I am plodding along in a shower of arrows. :eek:
I was just talking to a friend about this. We both have some family tendencies toward certain problems. In her case she noted that her dad passed away from colon cancer and so to be responsible, she had a colonscopy before she turned 40. As it turned out there was a malignancy there, small enough that they got it but she noted, “I feel like I’m walking around with a laser (from a target scope) pointed at my forehead!”

At the very least its better to catch issues like certain cancers, heart disease, etc. as early as possible so the treatment is less invasive and more likely to be successful.
all of the above. when somebody in my family turns 50 we start calculating odds and placing bets on whether the stroke or heart attack will kill them before the cancer does (and whether they will still have hair when they die).
We have Macular degeneration, too. 😦

My grandpa died at 52 of a heart attack. My mom had a heart attack at 52. Her brother had quadruple bypass at 45.
My family is frightenely healthy. Varicose Veins are our biggie. I have a 65 year old Aunt who did a 6 day hike up a mountain in Kananakis Country, Alberta, Canada. :eek:
My husband’s family, not so much. He lost an Uncle to Diabetes, his nephew was recently diagnosed with Adult Onset Diabetes, an Aunt to Developmental Problems, his sister has Hypertension and a Heart Murmer, his mother is dealing with Depression (she was forced to retire 15 years too soon due to Repetitive Strain Injuries) and his father has High Blood Pressure and Varicose Veins. Poor kids. I’ve been praying every day!
I had an uncle who died of bowel cancer at the extremely young age of 38. It scares me :eek: somewhat, but then he WAS neglectful in having the early symptoms checked out when they appeared. I figure that as long as I have reasonably regular checkups then I should be OK.

The rest of my family are fairly long-lived though - great-great grandma on Mum’s side lived to 107 being a smoker all the while :eek: and all of my grandparents have lived past the age of 80 in spite of all sorts of not-so-minor health complaints.
I’m going to outlive my whole family tree! 😉 (God willing).
Most of the women in my family lived a long life. Well into their 80’s 90’s. And this was a generation or so back since any of them died - and life expectancy grows. Most of them I can think of were mostly self sufficent till death.
I am positive, live a healthy lifestyle, and hope to live to be a healthy 120+ years old. Still active and fiesty. 👍
the average age is growing but the number of people living to their 90s+ is decreasing. Also, I heard that the average age might even decrease slightly now since obesity has become such a problem.
In light of this poll i would like to ask a quick question.
I have never been a very religious person but i have a catholic girlfreind and because of her i am trying to understand and come to terms with it all, and become more invlolved in her faith.

The main thing that troubles me with believing in god etc is all of the disease, cancer, disabilities, kids born with disabilities etc that this world has. how could a loving god create all of these things and let us suffer so much.

i mean when a child is born with a disability and has a very limited and short life, what did they do to deserve being given these problems, why does a loving god create these terrible things?
why does a loving god create these terrible things?
First ask yourself “Why did Hilter think that the holocaust of millions of Jews was justified in order to establish a pure and master race?”
Now you have a basis to answer your own question.
Hmm yeah almost all the above.

But hey all my grandparents kept their hair and so did hubby’s… I guess my future sons will like that someday? (Baldness is passed down from the maternal side.)

I have to say though that it will be interesting to observe how lifestyle plays a role in my generation, between siblings and cousins. Most of us live a much healthier life–none of us have ever smoked a ciggarette, we don’t eat junk, we tend to eat whole, fresh foods and healthy fats (as opposed to partially hydrogenated oils and cooking with a stick of butter every meal), we exercise regularly, we actually go to the doctor…etc.
I got my underactive thyroid from my mum, lol thanks for that mum!

Depression is also prevalent on mum’s side too. I am like my mum’s side of the family and my sis is like dad’s. Look like I got the raw end of the deal! 😛
3 great-grandparents died in their early 80’s 1of stroke and 1 of cancer 2 great-grandparents died in their early 60’s 1of stroke and 1 of accident/Heart Problems
1great-grandparent died at 73 of Heart Attack
1great-grandparent died at 79 of Stroke
1great-grandparent will be 90
1 great-great-grandfather who died at 93
Mom’s parents died at age 65 and 74 1of stroke and 1 of emphysema
Dad’s parents alive in their early 60’s
My dad likes to joke that it will take a wooden stake through the heart to kill off the relatives on my mom’s side of the family based on the history of longevity they have (at least I think that’s what he meant ;))
First ask yourself “Why did Hilter think that the holocaust of millions of Jews was justified in order to establish a pure and master race?”
Now you have a basis to answer your own question.
Thanks for the reply, i have thought about it but it isn’t becoming clear to me your meaning in this statement.
I’m adopted so I have not a clue about the medical history of my biological family. I already have a congential heart defects (most likely not genetic) and Crohn’s disease (probably genetic). Hopefully that’s the worst of it.
Thanks for the reply, i have thought about it but it isn’t becoming clear to me your meaning in this statement.
Hi Oryxsis,
I think your question is a very good one. I suggest you start a new thread in the apologetics forum and I am sure you’ll get lots of responses.

Off the top of my head - I’d say that much of the disease you mentioned is a result of our fallen nature. God didn’t create all of our illnesses - but he allows them because it’s ofen through our suffering that we’re drawn closer to Him.

I’m sure there are others who can explain it better than I can.

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