Your Family Inheritance-Healthy- or Not?

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Hmmmm…let’s see.

Mom’s Italian and born/raised in Northern California.

Bernini and Crocco.

We have isolated the artistic - yet Bitchy - Bernini gene and the calculating - yet CRAZY - Crocco gene.

Dad was Irish and born/raised in Texas.

Shaw and Logan

artistic, smart and alcoholic.

Quite frankly, I think I would have been happier with long legs and a faster metabolism…
I’m proud to say members of my immediate family have licked our family history of violence. None of my nephews or nieces have been hospitalized from beatings. My brother, sister-in-law, sisters, brothers-in-law somehow avoided attacking their families. No “spankings” got out of hand and ended in the ER. No “talks” to the wives ended in broken cheek bones. This peace is a first in my family’s history. I’m proud of them.
For me: on Dad’s side, heart disease (grandfather died of this), hypertension, high cholesterol, ovarian cancer (grandmother died of this), and high risk of type 2 diabetes due to ethnic background. On Mom’s side, rheumatoid arthritis, which crippled my grandfather, an aunt, a cousin, and an uncle who will likely need a lung transplant in a few years due to the toll his RA-activated immune system is taking on his body.

For DH: heart disease, cancer, Parkinson’s, alcoholism on both sides, ezcema and other allergic diseases.

Fortunately, neither of us appear to be affected by our families’ maladies, but maybe it’s best we’re infertile and can’t pass this disease crapshoot on to our children.

On the flip-side, my dad is 57 and still has a nearly full head of black hair. DH is 31 and has no signs of receding hairline. So we escaped that curse, at least. 😃
I’m adopted so I have not a clue about the medical history of my biological family. I already have a congential heart defects (most likely not genetic) and Crohn’s disease (probably genetic). Hopefully that’s the worst of it.
Yikes! I hope so, too! These are certainly bad enough!

In our family, we have alcoholism, depression, and polycystic kidney disease.
Wow! I got 100% on this test.

I’m already diabetic, like Mom and her brother.

Her mother and brother both died of heart disease, as did Dad’s brother.

However 3 of 4 grandparents lived very long lives, both grannies to be 88 (died the same year) and Italian grandpa was 95. Both Grannies, Italian and Swiss, lived long with multiple serious illnesses, including cancer and scoliosis.

My dad is almost 77 and in better health than most men in their 50s…looks better too. He’s very active, singing at nursing homes and assisted living centers, and with a large chorus. He still takes care of both our homes and several cars.

My son is Bi-Polar and I’ve been in treatment for Clinical Depression and hypertension for about 25 years each.

Hmm…maybe I better check the obituaries???
My mom’s side: high cholesterol, heart disease, kidney failure, athritis, osteoperosis, strokes, hypertension, macular degeneration, some mild mental illnes, mental retardation, alzheimers, stubborness, strong teeth, thyroid, back problems,

My dad: diabetes, cancer, alzheimers, baldeness. premature grey hair ( I LOVE YOU CLAIROL!)varicose veins, alcoholism, vascular problems, crooked teeth( 7 years of braces for me), and a twisted sense of humor, thyroid,crohns disease, ulcers, ear problems.

I’m toast.
Sure… but I have smelly feet (dad’s side) which will probably only worsen with decay. Hope you won’t mind 🙂 I also snore…(from both sides) I might actually be able to raise you from the dead!
Alzheimers 😦 Although, while all my great aunts had it, my grandmother does not, so it’s not direct. Gum disease on my dad’s side, which I’ve started experiencing. Also from my dad’s side, extremely poor eyesight and teeth (braces 4 times and insanely strong contacts). There was a very serious disease on my mom’s side but she doesn’t have it so I can’t develop it. One great uncle had alcoholism, but overall, we don’t have too many problems.
In light of this poll i would like to ask a quick question.
I have never been a very religious person but i have a catholic girlfreind and because of her i am trying to understand and come to terms with it all, and become more invlolved in her faith.

The main thing that troubles me with believing in god etc is all of the disease, cancer, disabilities, kids born with disabilities etc that this world has. how could a loving god create all of these things and let us suffer so much.

i mean when a child is born with a disability and has a very limited and short life, what did they do to deserve being given these problems, why does a loving god create these terrible things?
Hi Oryxsis,
I think your question is a very good one. I suggest you start a new thread in the apologetics forum and I am sure you’ll get lots of responses.

Off the top of my head - I’d say that much of the disease you mentioned is a result of our fallen nature. God didn’t create all of our illnesses - but he allows them because it’s ofen through our suffering that we’re drawn closer to Him.

I’m sure there are others who can explain it better than I can.

I agree with Carol Marie’s explanation and I too think this would be an excellent topic for the Apologetics forum. I also wanted to add that having these illnesses and disabilities does not preclude a person from being truly happy, just as on the other hand enjoying good health does not guarantee a person will be happier.
Sure… but I have smelly feet (dad’s side) which will probably only worsen with decay. Hope you won’t mind 🙂 I also snore…(from both sides) I might actually be able to raise you from the dead!
None of that would bother me. Once I’m asleep, it’s like I’m dead. Once I’m dead…well, I can’t imagine anything waking me up. I’m a snore-er too, and we won’t go into the feet issue.
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