Your Favorite Religious Orders That You Would Probably Never Join, but Admire Anyway

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Mine are:
Trappists - I love the idea of not talking and just making great beer and cheese.

Capuchins - They have some of the most interesting members ever, including a heavy metal singer, a pioneer televangelist, Padre Pio and others, plus an awesome crypt full of bones.

I left out Carmelites because I might join them eventually as a lay member and Jesuits because I would likely have tried to join them if I were a man (though I might not have succeeded in either joining or staying).

Interested to hear from others.
That I wouldn’t join but admire? The Carthusians would be on the top of my list. They’re the most extreme I’ve heard of in regards to silence. They even basically have their own two-story cell and only really gather together for Mass and the LOTH. Very austere, very dedicated.
Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal World (MFVA/EWTN friars), Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICKSP/ICRSS)

I’m leaving the Dominicans out because I may join their Third Order later.
The Dominicans for me, I think. (Subject to confirmation – I haven’t really thought about this before.)
It would be a privilege to spend a few years at EBAF, their Bible & Archeology School in Jerusalem.
Well, since I am on Team OP (aka, the Dominicans), I can’t list it as a choice. Other orders I have a strong admiration for:

Capuchin Franciscans
Knights Hospitaller (now Knights of Malta)
I have great admiration of the Poor Clares. For reasons that may of may not be evident I will NEVER join their order 😂
I’m a married woman, so I’m not likely to join any order except a third order, but as of now I don’t feel called to it.

Daughters of Charity- I love the history of the order, their charism, and how they find and serve Christ in the poor.

Dominicans- I was educated by Dominicans, and the Dominican tradition is a huge reason why I am Catholic today. Might join the lay Dominicans, but I’m really not sure I’m called to that.
I’m not qualified to join

But I love these ladies ❤️❤️❤️
Wow!!! I’d not heard of this order, prior to your post. I clicked on the link and the order really touched my heart. I will be sharing its charism with others. Thanks so much.
From the website:
"The Institute of the Little Sisters Disciples of the Lamb is a contemplative order and provides young girls with Down’s syndrome the opportunity to fulfill their religious vocation. This achievement is only possible because it is supported by Sisters without Down’s syndrome who answered a call to love, dedicating themselves to God with their disabled little sisters to form a single community.

It is a unique vocation within the Church. John Paul II testified that all life is precious in God’s eyes. (Encyclical Gospel of Life – John Paul II). The Church, in recognizing the Institute specifically recommended that the Community would not be linked to any existing Order or Congregation. She asked the Sisters to seek to make their way by adjusting and adapting to the disability of the Little Sisters.

That is why we are not two communities combined into one with Sisters without Down’s on one side and the Sisters with Down’s on the other. We are all one in the same community and the same family where all live at the same adapted rhythm. We share the offices and the same tasks of the Community where manual labor is adjusted to each according to her abilities. "
May God bless them!
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