Your Favorite Religious Orders That You Would Probably Never Join, but Admire Anyway

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I am most familiar with the Benedictines so that would be my first choice. I also admire Father Mitch, who is a Jesuit, so they might be my second. On the other hand the Franciscans have a lot going for them too, and EWTN seems to thrive with their contribution.

Now I’m torn. Got a three sided coin? 😄
I am left speechless (truly no small feat) by the grace of those sisters. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
I like the habits of the Schemamonks personally:

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Order of St. Benedict (OSB), may be because of the strong influence of the Benedictine Monks during my college years. Not to mention, I enjoy listening to Gregorian Chant.
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I LOVE the Carmelites. I personally want to join an enclosed order but I have a disability. I just accepted the fate God has given me and I guess He’ll guide me.
Jesuits because I would likely have tried to join them if I were a man (though I might not have succeeded in either joining or staying).
I deeply admire the Jesuits. This is the only real religious order I’d ever consider joining. With that being said, they might not have me. I tend to not fit well into large organizations and I’d probably be a bit more conservative than most Jesuits.

My remaining parent once suggested I try to become a Jesuit, as I’m weirdly religious. I’ll probably always be a little sad I’m not one. What can you do?!
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Favorite Orders for me are Dominicans (very much so for St. Martin de Porres and St. Dominick) but I think even more so the Franciscans. I’ve had a Franciscan education, know extensively about their Order, know numerous friars and I love St. Francis 😀

The infinite mercies of God really speak to me through Franciscan values
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They unfortunately do not accept those with neurological disorders, which is what I have (muscular dystrophy). I’ll continue looking!
It’s alright- He’ll guide me to the right path. Right now I’m not so sure if He wants to see me in a religious order or in the secular world. We’ll see.
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