Your Favorite Scary Movie?

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The Ring was really scary, it made no sense plot wise but the atmosphere of that film was almost oppressive. Also, The Woman In Black, in small film from made in the UK, is incredibly scary. No blood, no gore, just a straight up ghost story set in Victorian times. I thought the Shining was pretty creepy too.
**The Fog—I saw that years ago when I was dating my now ex-BF. We were watching it on a video at my house and his best friend came knocking on the door right at a key part. I shrieked my head off! They denied they planned it and claimed it was just a fluke, but I’m not so sure. The Secret Window with Johnny Depp was SCARY, too. I was terrified and towards the end it just got gruesome. Though I have to say I generally tend to avoid scary movies—it’s usually other people that end up getting these movies and then I’m stuck. **
and that new one (well, within the last year) with Sarah Michelle Gellar where she’s in Japan. I can’t think of the name of it, but the scary ghost woman freaked me out.
It’s called The Grudge. And it was creepy. Freaked me out, too!
The Devil’s Advocate by Al Pacino. The only reason it was so scary because it was so close to spiritual reality. Al did a good job in being the devil It is a must for all serious catholics!
DH took me to see Rosemary’s Baby when I was about 8 months pregnant - what an idiot he is, to this day I cannot eat liver, and I never even went to that theater again in the entire time we lived in Cleveland (the Colony on Shaker Square).
My favorite all-time movie to watch on Halloween is Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein. Best old scary movie, The Lodger with Victor McLaughlin. Best Hitchcock: North by Northwest (have never been able to watch Psycho). Best Vincent Price: House on Haunted Hill. Best ghost story: A Christmas Carol in any of its versions or spin-offs (love the Bill Murray version).
originally posted by Shoshanna
The Devil’s Advocate by Al Pacino. The only reason it was so scary because it was so close to spiritual reality. Al did a good job in being the devil It is a must for all serious catholics!
Great movie!!
I will never, ever watch that movie again. Anthony Hopkins was so convincingly creepy; it was terrifying!

Others on my list are The Sixth Sense and that new one (well, within the last year) with Sarah Michelle Gellar where she’s in Japan. I can’t think of the name of it, but the scary ghost woman freaked me out.
The one with Sarah Michelle Geller was the Grudge.

When I was younger scary movies frightened the shticks out of me. The first Halloween movie, Freddy Kruger, and others terrrified me and kept me huddling under my cover for weeks.

Now that I am older they don’t have the same impact that they did before. I still love to watch them but I don’t get the fun of having to open the shower curtain before I use the bathroom.

Some movies have freaked me out. Silence of the Lambs was one. Oh my goodness, that was a disturbing movie. It was well acted, excellent script and great plot but I never want to see this movie again.:eek: Seven disturbed me also, but I didn’t like it nearly as much as Silence of the Lamb.(which I never want to watch again)

I quit watching horror movies altogether, but I’d have to say when I was younger, and not going to church as I should have been all my life, it would’ve been Pet Semetary. I never could watch anything scarier than that. As I really grew to love God with all my heart and soul, and seriously returned to the church, I gave up watching things that don’t have anything at all to do with God. I now concentrate my entire life on being a Christian, and fully dedicated my life to Jesus, and now am only concerned with eternal life, and our final union with Christ our King, and Mary our
Queen. 🙂

I quit watching horror movies altogether, but I’d have to say when I was younger, and not going to church as I should have been all my life, it would’ve been Pet Semetary. I never could watch anything scarier than that. As I really grew to love God with all my heart and soul, and seriously returned to the church, I gave up watching things that don’t have anything at all to do with God. I now concentrate my entire life on being a Christian, and fully dedicated my life to Jesus, and now am only concerned with eternal life, and our final union with Christ our King, and Mary our
Queen. 🙂
Then maybe you could watch ‘The Devil’s Advocate’ as it truly portrays how the devil works. Always a good thing to know. Although ‘he’ may not be too happy to read this!
The scariest, goriest, and downright won’t let you sleep for weeks(iest) 🙂 movie ever made is “Event Horizon.” The first time I saw it was about 8 years ago and I still have nightmares (it was even the edited version :bigyikes: ) I watch it every year because I’m sick like that and like to not sleep for a week long stretch. Yes , that’s right I’v seen it at least ten times, and it is still scary as you know what. If anyone really want’s to be scared rent this movie! (or if your kids have been really bad… no,scratch that, no ones that bad!)

Yours in Christ,

P.S. if you want info on the movie here’s a link:;fc=1;ft=20;fm=1
When I was a kid I thought “The Night of The Living Dead” was far and away the scariest movie ever. My wife and I watched the re-release of “The Fog” this afternoon. She liked it …I was really bored…oh well to each their own. Movies just arn’t scary to me anymore.
After watching the 5 o’clock news for the past several years I can’t imagine Hollywood coming up with anything scarier!
I love movies like Signs, where you do not know is scaring you, but it just is

I love the Village, even though it isn’t a pure scary movie, it still scares me

plenty of other movies scare me, but I’m not really easy to scare because I LIKE being freaked out,

movies like Aliens(which is the best in the Alien series, hands down) Don’t scare me, they are simply COOL for me, I love 'em
Me and my sister LOVE all movies that are actually good
others may think that some black and white movie is #1
but we know that truth! movies like " LOTR and Indiana Jones or star wars, (I can go on and on and on) are the best
I strayed off topic
o well

M. nights movies are the scariest
The scariest, goriest, and downright won’t let you sleep for weeks(iest) 🙂 movie ever made is “Event Horizon.” The first time I saw it was about 8 years ago and I still have nightmares (it was even the edited version :bigyikes: ) I watch it every year because I’m sick like that and like to not sleep for a week long stretch. Yes , that’s right I’v seen it at least ten times, and it is still scary as you know what. If anyone really want’s to be scared rent this movie! (or if your kids have been really bad… no,scratch that, no ones that bad!)

Yours in Christ,

P.S. if you want info on the movie here’s a link:;fc=1;ft=20;fm=1
i’ve seen this movie. yup, scary.
I watched the original The Thing every time it was on TV with my Dad…

I love the original Psycho and the original Night of the Living DEAD…aaauuugghhhh…

of course, I also like all those really dumb Scary Movie movies…
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