Doctrine - interesting word; its etymology lets you see that it is equivalent to teaching, body of teachings, learning.…
… you have to admit that the Catholic church does have its own doctrine.
Now, these three are for a Teacher, not for a student. The teacher as a teaching from which he teaches his students, an outline of what he has to teach the students so that they will understand, and also things he wants to make sure the student does not include as part of the proper understanding. That is doctrine, the lesson plan of the teacher, which he uses to make sure the student can see and understand everything properly, and when the student understands, he will be like his teacher, also able to teach, also able to see the full value of the lesson plan (the doctrine).
The Catechism, as an unfortunate example, has been used by students who have not yet been fully formed by their teachers, and they read what they do not understand and disagree with it because they have still opinions from elsewhere that are not yet addressed by their teachers. But the Catechism’s purpose is as a catechization source, for the teacher, so that he does not forget to teach everything he has received from his own teacher, does not forget to make plain all things personally to his student. It is meant to bring to mind in the teacher all things he knows are true so he can pass it on without forgetting anything. Then, the student will know all from his teacher, because his teacher will continue in person as long as the student says, “I don’t quite understand that.”
The Councils, if you read their documents closely, are not addressed to the world at large, but addressed to the teachers, to the ones whose commission it is to evangelize, to catechize, to shepherd. Doctrine, Teaching, is for the teachers, not for the students. The teachers are for the students, these teachers who know all things given to them are the ones we believe, who feed us as guided by their teaching to forget nothing.
I love my wife, but do not understand her reasoning on things.Mathew 22:37 I must love God also with my whole mind. …
With God, I am loving someone, not loving thoughts about him. And I am coming to know him through the “angels of God” he sends to me to talk to me in his Name.
Paul spent a lot of words in the first paragraph of Romans explaining his credentials as one appointed by God to speak the official news of the Kingdom for the King (that is what ‘Gospel’ is - an official announcement from a sovereign (it is not generically ‘Good News’, but ‘Official Propagation of Official Government Communication from the Head of the Government’). And Paul made clear that the readers of the letter were to believe every single word of his without dissention. He would explain, but there was no room for negotiating where Paul would let go of some points if the readers could argue for a different opinion. He was the one from the King, and the dissenter or debater was not from the King.
It was this person, real, living, whom the readers were to believe in all he said, and today it is Papa Francis, my Bishop, my Priest, your Bishop, your Priest. The Baptized (including you) are to receive their pasture from nowhere else except where their shepherd directs them to feed. They hear their shepherd’s voice and know they are safe.
No, baptizing infants causes no mess.… baptizing infants - a mess with theology? …what a church tells us or what Jesus and Paul and Peter and James, etc. tell us?
Here is what I know: I found myself resolved when becoming Catholic that I knew I was with the legitimate place of participation with Christ, at the feet of those sent to me (“blessed are the feet of the bearer of good news”- officially sent word from the King).
I knew I did not understand a lot of what was taught in the Church by the Church. But I was resolved that I would be hearing all good, all truth, from them, and that they would reveal all things to me over time so that in all things that I did not yet comprehend, I would indeed understand and also believe. So, I keep asking, “Explain more, I do not understand how this can be.” And it is explained and re-worded and re-stated and re-explained until I say, “Oh, I understand now” (and I do understand, and I have never been disappointed)
I find no conflict between my teachers and Jesus and these Apostles listed and I believe everything they tell us and fully know that I will understand it all - that is in fact the promise of Christ, that the Holy Spirit would bring all to remembrance, and guide me into all truth. The one who Baptized me (a Lutheran Pastor, by the way) gave me the Holy Spirit, and at my Confirmation as a Catholic the one confirming me gave me the fullness of this Spirit so that I would myself be fully equipped with his Gift of understanding what is true when my teachers explain. This is happening even today, delightfully.
Sola Scriptura - I find I cannot be my own teacher. I am resolved to be a faithful student of the one sent to me. I am a good student, studying and asking questions of my teacher and never letting him rest while I do not understand. But I trust him as the explainer, the clarifier.…some churches teach doctrine that is in no way biblical… - or would it be preferable to study on their own. BTW, I am a sola scriptura believer …
Yes, I know their are parishes where the Priest is not teaching according to his lesson plan. And that is where questioning for more and more explanation are the student’s gift of the Holy Spirit, who teaches us to “pray” (teaches us to ask for more). Eventually, if pressed hard by the student, most if not all teachers will refer to their lesson plan to find answers for their students (refer to doctrine and theology to see how to teach and what might be said in explanation).